Page 273 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 273

Muhammed Demiralp

            solutions to maintain climate resilience in tourism sector against the current
            effects of climate change, that is, the development of adaptation practices
            against climate change, is of great importance for not only the survival, but
            also the sustainability of the sector.
               To conclude, tourism sector triggers climate change, while at the same time,
            climate change affects tourism adversely. To eliminate these mutual issues, it
            is important to develop as well as practice climate-sensitive policies in the
            national as well as international context to curb the effects of climate change
            on tourism. In global terms, the process should be tracked and opportunities
            for international cooperation should be utilized. Moreover, good practices and
            the opportunities for sharing experiences should be investigated. In today’s
            world, it is more urgent and important than ever to put solutions into practice
            in an adaptive way to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and minimize the
            effects of climate change


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