Page 12 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 12


                   Greetings from the Journal of Environment,

                              Urbanization and Climate

                   limate change, which affects a wide range of areas, from land
               Cto air, water to living beings, plants to mines, underground to
            atmosphere, is no longer a scientific topic, but has become everyone’s
            priority with its evident effect on economy, politics, law, energy,
            tourism, forestry, water resources, agriculture and livestock breeding,
            food  safety,  population  increase,  migration,  urbanization,  health,
            technology, ecology, and many more areas.

               For this reason, frequently faced aspects with a dominant effect in
            the aforementioned areas such as disasters and disaster management,
            risks and risk mitigation, adaptation, awareness, sustainability require
            many different scenarios, projections and models and necessary
            measurements for development and social decisions.

               There are various institutions, academic cycles and many non-
            governmental organizations that monitor climate change and try to
            take action. However, it shouldn’t be forgotten that a global-scale
            problem needs a global-scale solution.
               It is of critical importance to be prepared for climate-based crises,
            understand their causes and effects, mitigate their risks, adapt socially,
            financially,  and  ecologically  to  new  climatic  conditions,  and  raise
            awareness about climate crisis.  For this reason, there seems to be an
            undeniable need for sufficient research combining various approaches
            from different disciplines to increase information in academic,
            institutional and social context and to inform politics, strategies and

                                                                  Year 1 / Issue 1 / Jan 2022  XI
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