Page 8 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 8


                  The future of climate, the future of humanityfuture of climate, the future of humanity

                  arth, home to us  all,  has  a nature,  order,  and  cycle  that has
               Econstantly blessed each living being with its riches patiently for
            billions of years. Motions such  as water, nitrogen and  carbon cycle,
            in which nothing goes to waste and things turn into each other, are
            evidence of a flawless system. Since the first human beings, humanity
            has been living on Earth, where everything works like clockwork within
            such an order.
               All the actions and decisions of people have an impact on nature,
            determining our relationship with it. Based on the state of the World
            today, it can be suggested that this relationship has reached the point of
            sustainability. This is because the desire to make use of nature without
            any limitations, which emerged with industrialization is still continues
            with full force. Without doubt, this causes the Earth to exceed its limits
            of endurance and capacity to rejuvenate. Thus, Earth Overshoot Day is
            approaching sooner than anticipated.
               However, the relationship between humans and nature should not be
            any different from that of a guest and a guesthouse. We are obliged to
            live in this World like a guest, use it as a proper guest should, and leave
            it in its best state for future generations.

               If the innate nature, also called disposition of human beings
            deteriorates, this will lead to a relationship in which they ruin everything
            they get their hands on, tending towards greed, overconsuming, wasting,
            destroying, damaging and goes beyond their role as guests. This in turn
            will make our common home an uninhabitable place.

               The recent global environmental problems as well as epidemics
            and climate change are the results of the human desire to dominate
            nature rather than live in harmony with it. Especially certain happenings

                                                                  Year 1 / Issue 1 / Jan 2022  VII
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