Page 25 - FaaliyetBulteni-Ingilizce
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sustain our national
efforts to prevent
the marine litter at it
“Provincial Marine “We are sustaining provincial marine litter acti-
on plans in all our provinces in a comprehensive
Litter Action Plans manner. In this ˖ˢˡ˧˘˫˧ʟ since ʥʣʤʬʟ we have col-
lected and disposed of a total of 130 thousand
Have Been Prepared in tons of marine litter from the coast and sea. We
will ˖ˢˡ˧˜ˡ˨˘ʟ with ˗˘˧˘˥ˠ˜ˡ˔˧˜ˢˡʟ to sustain our
All the Provinces.” national efforts to prevent the marine litter at it
Stating that the amount of protected areas in
Türkiye reached out to 11.91 percent as of Today Stating that Türkiye, as a party to the Barcelona
in the face of the goal of being 12 percent of the Declaration and Bucharest agreement, was re-
country’s surface area by 2023, Kurum empha- ady to take the initiative in developing regional
sized that protecting the seas requires elimi- cooperation, Kurum noted that they would ac-
nating land-based sources of pollution. Stating tively participate in the UN Ocean Conference
that they worked towards reducing marine litter and Our Ocean Conference, which they saw as
through zero waste movement and waste ma- a great opportunity for this.
nagement activities, Kurum stated the following: