Page 23 - FaaliyetBulteni-Ingilizce
P. 23

                                                                      G ˅ʸʸˁ   ˇ˅ A ˁˆ FO ˅ˀ A ˇʼ˂ˁ   ˀ O ˉ E

                                                                      TÜRʾͺˌʸ’S 2053

                                                            TARGET “NET ZERO


                                           Minister Murat Kurum         the resistance of the agricultu-  tions towards our medium and
                                                                        ral sector to drought, reducing  long-term goals. ˇ˛˘˥˘˙ˢ˥˘ʟ we
                                           attended the OECD
                                                                        flood and risks of flood through  must increase our cooperation
                                           Environment Meeting          increased storage and infrast-  more than ever to transform
                                           at Ministerial level on      ructure management, integ-    the crises we are experiencing
                                           the first day of his visit   rated management of water  on a global scale into oppor-
                                                                        resources and protection of  tunities.”
                                           to Paris. Addressing
                                           the participants at                                        National Contribution
                                           the session, attended        Minister Kurum noted that  Statement to be Updated
                                                                        Türkiye updated its “Climate  Later This Year
                                           by the environment
                                                                        Change Adaptation Strategy
                                           ministers of the             and Action Plan”, prepared in  Stating that this year, they
                                           member states,               2011, according to the 2053 tar-  would update the National
                                           Kurum explained              gets.                         Determined Contributions su-
                                                                        Stating that not only national  bmitted to the UN Secretariat
                                           Türkiye’s green
                                                                        efforts but also regional and  in 2015 in accordance with the
                                           transformation efforts.      local efforts were important in  “2053 Net Zero Emissions” tar-
                                                                        adapting to climate change  get announced to the world
                                           Minister of Environment, Urba-  and ensuring resilience, Kurum  by President Recep Tayyip Er-
                                           nization and Climate Chan-   added that in this context, they  ˗ˢͭ˔ˡʟ Kurum added the fol-
                                           ge Murat Kurum attended the  developed projects aimed at  lowing:
                                           plenary session of the OECD  determining the needs of re-
                                           Environment Meeting at Mi-   gions and provinces, taking  “We have made progress to a
                                           nisterial level in Paris themed  necessary measures for 7 ge-  great extent in  our efforts  on
                                           “Moving to Net Zero-Closing  ographical regions and deve-  Climate  ʿ˔˪ʟ  which will form
                                           the Ambition Gaps on Clima-  loping nature-based solutions.  the legal basis for both  our
                                           te Mitigation and Adaptation”.                             Council decisions and our Na-
                                           Making a speech at the sessi-                              tional Determined Contribu-
                                           on hosted by OECD Secretary  The World is at the Critical Th-  tions. Within the scope of the
                                           General Mathias Cormann and  reshold                       ˟˔˪ʟ we will ensure the green
                                           attended  by the Environment                               transformation in  our  ˖ˢ˨ˡ˧˥ˬʟ
                                           Ministers of the Member States,  Pointing out that the world was  especially in regards to ˘ˡ˘˥˚ˬʟ
                                           Kurum explained Türkiye’s gre-  at a critical threshold in terms  in line  with our 2053  Net Zero
                                           en transformation efforts.   of the climate change, Kurum  Emissions  target. We will  im-
                                                                        stated the following: “As ˆ˧˔˧˘˦ʟ  prove and increase our carbon
                                           Measures on Climate Change   we are all  in global coopera-  ˦˜ˡ˞˦ʟ especially our forests.
                                                                        tion in line with the 1.5 degre-  With  the  goal of becoming
                                           Stating  that  they  worked  es Celsius goal of the Paris  a climate-resistant  ˦ˢ˖˜˘˧ˬʟ
                                           towards adaption to the effe-  Agreement.”   Stating that the  we will conduct science-ba-
                                           cts of climate change in Türki-  shared solidarity and determi-  sed impact  and affectability
                                           ye and mitigation of the effects  nation were displayed to the  analyses and further strengt-
                                           of the climate change on live-  world especially at the 26th  hen adaptation activities.  We
                                           lihoods, economy and natural  Conference of the Parties, Ku-  will ensure the flow of resour-
                                           systems, Kurum  added that  rum added the following:  “But  ces to local areas by taking the
                                           they focused on important  ˡˢ˪ʟ we urgently need to take  necessary measures to stren-
                                           measures such as “increasing  steps to quickly realize our ac-  gthen local climate action.”

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