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6. SCAR may if necessary seek the technical majority, of a scientific advisory committee 2. If one-third of the Contracting Parties requ- 4. Any Contracting Party which has objected to
assistance of the Food and Agriculture Orga- which may be assigned some or all of the est a meeting to discuss the proposed amend- a proposed amendment may at any time withd-
nization of the United Nations in making its functions requested of SCAR under this ment the Depositary shall call such a meeting. raw that objection, and the proposed amend-
assessments. Convention, if commercial sealing reaches ment shall become effective with respect to
significant proportions; 3. An amendment shall enter into force when such Party immediately if the amendment is
7. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph the Depositary has received instruments of already in effect, or at such time as it becomes
(1) of Article 1 the Contracting Parties shall, (III) The carrying out of scientific program- ratification or acceptance thereof from all the effective under the terms of this Article.
in accordance with their internal law, report mes with the participation of the Contrac- Contracting Parties
to each other and to SCAR, for consideration, ting Parties; and 5. The Depositary shall notify each Contrac-
statistics relating to the Antarctic seals listed Article 9: Amendments to the Annex ting Party immediately upon receipt of each
in paragraph (2) of Article 1 which have been (IV) The provision of further regulatory me- approval or objection, of each withdrawal of
killed or captured by their nationals and vessels asures, including moratoria. 1. Any Contracting Party may propose amend- objection, and of the entry into force of any
under their respective flags in the area of floa- ments to the Annex to this Convention. The amendment.
ting sea ice north of 60º South Latitude. 2. If one-third of the Contracting Parties indi-
cate agreement the Depositary shall convene text of any such proposed amendment shall be 6. Any State which becomes a Party to this
submitted to the Depositary which shall trans-
Article 6: Consultations between Contra- such a meeting, as soon as possible. mit it to all Contracting Parties. Convention after an amendment to the Annex
has entered into force shall be bound by the
cting Parties 3. A meeting shall be held at the request of any Annex as so amended. Any State which beco-
Contracting Party, if SCAR reports that the 2. Each such proposed amendment shall be- mes a Party to this Convention during the pe-
1. At any time after commercial sealing has be- harvest of any species of Antarctic seal in the come effective for all Contracting Parties six riod when a proposed amendment is pending
months after the date appearing on the notifi-
gun a Contracting Party may propose through area to which this Convention applies is having cation from the Depositary to the Contracting may approve or object to such an amendment
the Depositary that a meeting of Contracting a significantly harmful effect on the total sto- Parties, if within 120 days of the notificati- within the time limits applicable to other Cont-
Parties be convened with a view to: cks or the ecological system in any particular on date, no objection has been received and racting Parties.
(a) Establishing by a two-thirds majority two-thirds of the Contracting Parties have noti-
fied the Depositary in writing of their approval. Article 10: Signature
of the Contracting Parties, including the Article 7: Review of Operations
concurring votes of all States signatory to 3. If an objection is received from any Cont- This Convention shall be open for signature at
this Convention present at the meeting, an The Contracting Parties shall meet within five racting Party within 120 days of the notifica- London from 1 June to 31 December 1972 by
effective system of control, including ins- years after the entry into force of this Conven- tion date, the matter shall be considered by States participating in the Conference on the
pection, over the implementation of the tion and at least every five years thereafter to the Contracting Parties at their next meeting. Conservation of Antarctic Seals held at London
provisions of this Convention; review the operation of the Convention. If unanimity on the matter is not reached at from 3 to 11 February 1972.
the meeting, the Contracting Parties shall no-
(b) Establishing a commission to perform tify the Depositary within 120 days from the
such functions under this Convention as Article 8: Amendments to the Conventi- date of closure of the meeting of their appro- Article 11: Ratification
the Contracting Parties may deem neces- on val or rejection of the original amendment or
sary; or of any new amendment proposed by the me- This Convention is subject to ratification or
acceptance. Instruments of ratification or ac-
(c) Considering other proposals, including: 1. This Convention may be amended at any eting. If, by the end of this period, two-thirds ceptance shall be deposited with the Govern-
time. The text of any amendment proposed by of the Contracting Parties have approved such ment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
(I) The provision of independent scientific a Contracting Party shall be submitted to the amendment, it shall become effective six mont- and Northern Ireland, hereby designated as the
hs from the date of the closure of the meeting
advice; Depositary, which shall transmit it to all the Depositary.
Contracting Parties. for those Contracting Parties which have by
(II) The establishment, by a two-thirds then notified their approval.
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