Page 41 - Bulletin 1
P. 41

ANTARKTİKA ANTLAŞMASI                                    THE ANTARCTIC TREATY

 (c) The area of Edisto inlet south and west of   (III) Age  8. Cooperation
 a line drawn between Cape Hallett at 72°19’
 South  Latitude,  170°18’  East  Longitude,  SCAR may request additional information or ma-  The Contracting Parties to this Convention shall, as appropriate, cooperate and exchange infor-
 and Helm Point, at 72°11’ South Latitude,  terial with the approval of the Contracting Parties.  mation with the other Contracting Parties to the other international instruments within the An-
 170°00’ East Longitude.  tarctic Treaty System and their respective institutions.
 (d) Contracting Parties shall provide to other
 Contracting Parties and to SCAR at least 30   * Text as amended in the CCAS Review Meeting (London, 12-16 September 1988). The amendments became
 6. Exchange Of Information  days in advance of departure from their home   effective on 27 March 1990.
 ports, information on proposed sealing expe-
 (a) Contracting Parties shall provide before 30   ditions.
 June each year to other Contracting Parties   7. Sealing Methods
 and to SCAR a summary of statistical infor-
 mation on all seals killed or captured by their   (a) SCAR is invited to report on methods
 nationals and vessels under their respective   of sealing and to make recommendations
 flags in the Convention area, in respect of the   with a view to ensuring that the killing or
 preceding period 1 March to the last day in   capturing  of  seals  is  quick,  painless  and
 February. This information shall include by zo-  efficient.  Contracting  Parties,  as  approp-
 nes and months:  riate, shall adopt rules for their nationals
 and  vessels  under  their  respective  flags
 (I) The  gross  and  nett  tonnage,  brake  hor-  engaged in the killing and capturing of se-
 se-power,  number  of  crew,  and  number  of   als, giving due consideration to the views
 days’ operation of vessels under the flag of   of SCAR.
 the Contracting Party;
 (b)  In  the  light  of  the  available  scientific
 (II) The number of adult individuals and pups   and  technical  data,  Contracting  Parties
 of each species taken.  agree  to  take  appropriate  steps  to  ensu-
 re  that  their  nationals  and vessels  under
 When specially requested, this information shall   their  respective  flags  refrain  from  killing
 be provided in respect of each ship, together with   or capturing seals in the water, except in
 its daily position at noon each operating day and   limited quantities to provide for scientific
 the catch on that day.  research in conformity with the objectives
 and  principles  of  this  Convention.  Such
 (b) When an industry has started, reports of   research shall include studies as to the ef-
 the number of seals of each species killed or   fectiveness of methods of sealing from the
 captured in each zone shall be made to SCAR   viewpoint of the management and huma-
 in the form and at the intervals (not shorter   ne and rational utilization of the Antarctic
 than one week) requested by that body.  seal resources for conservation purposes.
 The  undertaking  and  the  results  of  any
 (c) Contracting Parties shall provide to SCAR   such  scientific  research  programme  shall
 biological information, in particular:  be  communicated  to  SCAR  and  the  De-
 positary which shall transmit them to the
 (I) Sex
 Contracting Parties.
 (II) Reproductive condition

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