Page 35 - Bulletin 1
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Article 1: Scope Article 3: Annexed Measures 2. The measures adopted under paragraph (1) 2. Each Contracting Party shall also provide to
of this Article shall be based upon the best the other Contracting Parties and to SCAR be-
1. This Convention applies to the seas south 1. This Convention includes an Annex specif- scientific and technical evidence available. fore 31 October each year information on any
of 60º South Latitude, in respect of which the ying measures which the Contracting Parties steps it has taken in accordance with Article 2
Contracting Parties affirm the provisions of Ar- hereby adopt. Contracting Parties may from 3. The Annex may from time to time be amen- of this Convention during the preceding period
ticle IV of the Antarctic Treaty. time to time in the future adopt other measu- ded in accordance with the procedures provi- 1 July to 30 June.
res with respect to the conservation, scientific ded for in Article 9.
2. This Convention may be applicable to any or study and rational and humane use of seal re- 3. Contracting Parties which have no infor-
all of the following species: sources, prescribing inter aha: Article 4: Special Permits mation to report under the two preceding pa-
ragraphs shall indicate this formally before 31
Southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina, (a) Permissible catch; 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Con- October each year.
vention, any Contracting Party may issue per-
Leopard seal Hydrurga leptonyx, (b) Protected and unprotected species; mits to kill or capture seals in limited quanti- 4. SCAR is invited:
ties and in conformity with the objectives and
Weddell seal Leptonychotes weddelli, (c) Open and closed seasons; principles of this Convention for the following (a) To assess information received pursu-
purposes: ant to this Article; encourage exchange of
Crabeater seal Lobodon carcinophagus, (d) Open and closed areas, including the scientific data and information among the
designation of reserves; (a) To provide indispensable food for men Contracting Parties; recommend program-
Ross seal Ommatophoca rossi, or dogs; mes for scientific research; recommend
(e) The designation of special areas where statistical and biological data to be collec-
Southern fur seals Arctocephalus sp. there shall be no disturbance of seals; (b) To provide for scientific research; or ted by sealing expeditions within the Con-
vention area; and suggest amendments to
3. The Annex to this Convention forms an in- (f) Limits relating to sex, size, or age for (c) To provide specimens for museums, the Annex; and
tegral part thereof. each species; educational or cultural institutions.
(b) To report on the basis of the statistical,
Article 2: Implementation (g) Restrictions relating to time of day and 2. Each Contracting Party shall, as soon as pos- biological and other evidence available
when the harvest of any species of seal
duration, limitations of effort and methods
of sealing; sible, inform the other Contracting Parties and in the Convention area is having a signifi-
1. The Contracting Parties agree that the spe- SCAR of the purpose and content of all permits cantly harmful effect on the total stocks of
cies of seals enumerated in Article 1 shall not (h) Types and specifications of gear and issued under paragraph (1) of this Article and such species or on the ecological system in
be killed or captured within the Convention apparatus and appliances which may be subsequently of the numbers of seals killed or any particular locality.
area by their nationals or vessels under their used; captured under these permits.
respective flags except in accordance with the 5. SCAR is invited to notify the Depositary which
provisions of this Convention. (i) Catch returns and other statistical and Article 5: Exchange of Information and shall report to the Contracting Parties when SCAR
biological records; Scientific Advice estimates in any sealing season that the permissib-
2. Each Contracting Party shall adopt for its le catch limits for any species are likely to be excee-
nationals and for vessels under its flag such (j) Procedures for facilitating the review ded and, in that case, to provide an estimate of the
laws, regulations and other measures, including and assessment of scientific information; 1. Each Contracting Party shall provide to the date upon which the permissible catch limits will
a permit system as appropriate, as may be ne- other Contracting Parties and to SCAR the in- be reached. Each Contracting Party shall then take
cessary to implement this Convention. (k) Other regulatory measures including an formation specified in the Annex within the pe- appropriate measures to prevent its nationals and
riod indicated therein.
effective system of inspection. vessels under its flag from killing or capturing seals
of that species after the estimated date until the
Contracting Parties decide otherwise.
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