Page 31 - Bulletin 1
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2. If one-third of the Members of the Commis- Annex For An Arbitral Tribunal
sion request a meeting to discuss a proposed The Depositary shall notify all Contracting Par-
amendment the Depositary shall call such a ties of the following: The arbitral tribunal referred to in paragraph 3 of Article XXV shall be composed of three arbitra-
meeting. tors who shall be appointed as follows:
(a) Signatures of this Convention and the depo-
3. An amendment shall enter into force when sit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, The Party commencing proceedings shall communicate the name of an arbitrator to the other
the Depositary has received instruments of ra- approval or accession; Party which, in turn, within a period of forty days following such notification, shall communicate
tification, acceptance or approval thereof from the name of the second arbitrator. The Parties shall, within a period of sixty days following the
all the Members of the Commission. (b) The date of entry into force of this Conventi- appointment of the second arbitrator, appoint the third arbitrator, who shall not be a national of
on and of any amendment thereto. either Party and shall not be of the same nationality as either of the first two arbitrators. The third
4. Such amendment shall thereafter enter into arbitrator shall preside over the tribunal.
force as to any other Contracting Party when Article 33:
notice of ratification, acceptance or approval If the second arbitrator has not been appointed within the prescribed period, or if the Parties have
by it has been received by the Depositary. Any not reached agreement within the prescribed period on the appointment of the third arbitrator,
such Contracting Party from which no such no- 1. This Convention, of which the English, Fren- that arbitrator shall be appointed, as the request of either Party, by the Secretary-General of the
tice has been received within a period of one ch, Russian and Spanish texts are equally aut- Permanent Court of Arbitration, from among persons of international standing not having the
year from the date of entry into force of the hentic, shall be deposited with the Government nationally of a State which is a Party to this Convention.
amendment in accordance with paragraph 3 of Australia which shall transmit duly certified
above shall be deemed to have withdrawn from copies thereof to all signatory and acceding The arbitral tribunal shall decide where its headquarters will be located and shall adopt its own
this Convention. Parties. rules of procedure.
2. This Convention shall be registered by the
Article 31: Depositary pursuant to Article 102 of the The award of the arbitral tribunal shall be made by a majority of its members, who may not abs-
Charter of the United Nations. tain from voting.
1. Any Contracting Party may withdraw from Drawn up at Canberra this twentieth day of
this Convention on 30 June of any year, by gi- May 1980. Any Contracting Party which is not a Party to the dispute may intervene in the proceedings with
ving written notice no later than 1 January of the consent of the arbitral tribunal.
the same year to the Depositary, which, upon In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly The award of the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding on all Parties to the dispute and on any
receipt of such a notice, shall communicate it authorized, have signed this Convention. Party which intervenes in the proceedings and shall be complied with without delay
forthwith to the other Contracting Parties. The arbitral tribunal shall interpret the award at the request of one of the Parties to the dispute
or of any intervening Party.
2. Any other Contracting Party may, within Unless the arbitral tribunal determines otherwise because of the particular circumstances of the
sixty days of the receipt of a copy of such a case, the expenses of the tribunal, including the remuneration of its members, shall be borne by
notice from the Depositary, give written notice the Parties to the dispute in equal shares.
of withdrawal to the Depositary in which case
the Convention shall cease to be in force on 30
June of the same year with respect to the Cont-
racting Party giving such notice.
3. Withdrawal from this Convention by any
Member of the Commission shall not affect its
financial obligations under this Convention.
Article 32:
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