Page 82 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 82

Urban Transformation Forecasts with Artificial Intelligence
                                        Based Algorithms

               Statistical  values  between  the  years  2002-2020  were  obtained  from  the
            relevant  institutions  for  the  prediction  models.  In  order  to  allow  sufficient
            performance of the prediction models, a mixed selection was made in the data
            sets in the order described in the studies. Linear, antilogarithm, exponential
            and quadratic functions as well as TreeNet and MARS methods were used
            in traditional regression-based models. In ANN-based models, the gray wolf
            optimization (GWO) algorithm, a meta-intuitive algorithm based on swarm
            intelligence, was used to optimize coefficients and the lean ANN in different
            neuron  numbers.  As  a  result  of  measuring  the  performance  values  of  the
            prediction models, it was determined that good estimates were made.
               In the modeling carried out to estimate the number of flats, the TreeNet
            method  gave  the  closest  estimates  to  the  actual  values.  According  to  the
            performance values of the prediction models, the TreeNet model has given
            good results and the ANN model has given very good results. Much more good
            estimations were made with an improvement of 27% compared to the best
            estimation obtained from the ANN-based model regression-based modelling.
               In the modeling carried out to estimate the number of licenses, the TreeNet
            method gave the closest estimates to the actual values. According to the table
            measuring the performance values of the prediction models, good results have
            also been obtained for the MARS method. Much more good estimations were
            made with an improvement of 10% compared to the best estimation obtained
            from the modelling performed with MARS and TreeNet method.
               In  the  modeling  carried  out  to  estimate  the  surface  area,  the  TreeNet
            method  gave  the  closest  estimates  to  the  actual  values.  According  to  the
            table  measuring  the  performance  values  of  the  prediction  models,  the
            TreeNet model has given good results and the ANN model has given very
            good results. Much more good estimations were made with an improvement
            of 24% compared to the best estimation obtained from the artificial neural
            network-based model regression-based modelling.
               When the estimation models for the number of apartments, the number of
            licenses and the surface area are generally considered, the ANN method has
            given  better  estimates  than  the  traditional  regression  methods.  When  the
            prediction models are examined in detail for the training, validation and test data
            sets, it is seen that some models obtained by adding gray wolf optimization to
            the ANN yielded better results than the models established with other methods.
               In the analyses of the model obtained by adding the gray wolf optimization
            to the ANN, the number of populations was taken into account as 100, the
            maximum number of iterations as 1000, and the lower-upper limit values as
            -5 and +5. In order for this type of model to give better prediction results, a

                                                                 Year 2 / Issue 4 / July 2023  71
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