Page 253 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 253

Ahmet Yakut - Barış Binici

                  “package program”. The use of these software in this way prevented
                  the  engineer  from  understanding  the  building  behavior,  seeing  the
                  load flow, and providing safety aspects. In fact, it seems possible in
                  some building systems that buildings designed with the unconscious
                  use of “package programs” are severely damaged in this earthquake.
                  Unfortunately, models in which earthquake load transfer mechanisms
                  are not represented correctly may appear as an element that can cause
                  severe damage to buildings.
               •   Considering the amount of ready-mixed concrete used in our country,
                  it can be said that it has been utilised in almost every province except
                  the rural regions after 2000. Ready-mixed concrete plants work with a
                  method that is not applied in any sector. These plants sell a product,
                  strength of which is actually uncertain because they cannot know the
                  final property of their product until it is hardened. For this reason, all
                  plants are obliged to perform tests before transporting the concrete
                  and to predict a certain quality in order to survive. In fact, this situation
                  always forces them to play on the safe side. Therefore, it can be asserted
                  that  the  possible  concrete  quality  of  ready-mixed  concrete  plants  is
                  generally at a certain standard with some exceptions.
               •   Perhaps  the  major  problem  in  the  pre-2000  buildings  is  the  lack  of
                  concrete strength. A concrete, the strength of which is placed as half of
                  the design strength, actually causes a significant amount of increase in
                  the axial load ratio of vertical elements. For this reason, it can be said
                  that concrete strength was a reason on the damage of the buildings
                  constructed before 2000, but it was less effective in later structures. It
                  is known that the average concrete strength in pre-2000 buildings is
                  about 9 MPa (Yakut 2004).
               •   The construction quality of a building significantly affects earthquake
                  performance.  Since  the  main  elements  that  determine  the  bearing
                  of the building are covered with plaster, paint, coating etc. and thus
                  cannot be understood at first appearance, lack of quality can actually
                  remain hidden. The addition of water for facilitation during placement
                  reduces the concrete strength, the concrete that is not well compacted
                  decomposes,  poorly  confinement  of  reinforcement  cannot  provide
                  the desired strength and flexibility. In our country, quality cannot be
                  achieved on the field unless production is performed in the factory. As a
                  result, there is a system that does not demand quality in project design,
                  material supply, construction, and avoid to spend money on structural
                  quality. This system has a role in the observed severe damages.

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