Page 194 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 194

Urban Transformation as a Tool to Protect From Disasters and
                                Post-Disaster Housing Project Examples

            conducted by AFAD, and the construction of housing units is performed by
            the Public Housing Administration, especially in the last 20 years, as can be
            seen in Table 1 (Official Gazette dated 28.08.1968, No: 12988).
               Law  No.  2985  on  Public  Housing  includes  a  provision  stating  “to  build,
            encourage  and  support  housing  and  social  facilities  together  with  their
            infrastructures, if necessary, in the regions where disaster occurs”. TOKİ has
            constructed and continues to build approximately 218,000 disaster housing
            units within this scope (TOKİ, 2023). TOKİ also completed the construction of
            permanent residences in Bingöl in 2003, in Simav, Kütahya in 2011, in Van and
            Erciş in 2011, in Elazığ, Malatya and İzmir in 2020, after the earthquakes that
            occurred at these locations. (TOKİ, 2023).
               TOKİ undertakes three main tasks within the framework of measures that
            can be taken against earthquakes and the precautions to be considered to
            minimise  the  damage  of  the  earthquakes.  These  tasks  are  to  increase  the
            quality,  qualified  and  earthquake-resilient  housing  stock  in  the  country,  to
            develop urban transformation projects in cooperation with local governments
            in  areas  with  high  disaster  risk  and  unplanned  urbanization,  and  to  build
            permanent houses after an earthquake. Since 2002, TOKİ has been of great
            importance, especially in the actual housing construction, regeneration of cities,
            construction of houses after disasters, and providing houses with small amount
            of advance payment and paying the remaining amount in the long term just
            like paying a rent, especially for those who cannot afford to own housing under
            the market conditions. 1 200 000 houses have been produced by TOKİ within
            20 years (TOKİ, 2023).
               Apart  from  the  earthquake,  floods  and  fires  are  among  other  disasters
            that  affect  our  country.  Especially  the  floods  that  occurred  in  the  Western
            Black Sea region and the fires in the Mediterranean region resulted in a large
            number of lives and property losses. On the other hand, the Black Sea Region
            Climate Change Action Plan was announced by the Ministry of Environment,
            Urbanisation and Climate Change on July 12, 2019, and within this framework,
            it was first decided to identify and demolish the structures under the risk of
            flood and overflow along the creek route (ÇŞB, 2019).

                    Table 1. Houses Constructed After Earthquakes, Floods and Fires
                         PROVINCE                         STRUCTURES
                           Elazığ                   25,475 houses, 1,308 workplaces
                          Malatya                  8,619 residences, 218 workplaces

                           Izmir                             5.061

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