Page 193 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 4
P. 193

Hilmi Tutar

            711,545  houses,  103,659  workplaces  were  demolished  throughout  the
            country. 766,849 independent units, including 702,593 residences and 64,256
            workplaces, were built to replace the demolished independent units (TBMM
            2023: 633). Moreover, with this Law, 123 buildings were reinforced throughout
            the country and approximately 39.8 billion TL, which is 89.9 billion TL with
            the  current  value,  was  spent  for  transformation  projects.  Public  Housing
            Administration is one of the entities that has undertaken an important task
            in this process. During this period, 203,979 housing units were produced by
            TOKİ within the scope of urban transformation. (TOKİ, 2023).
               Renovation areas can be announced within the framework of Law No. 5366
            on the Renovating, Conserving and Actively Using Dilapidated Historical and
            Cultural Immovable Assets  Many projects have been initiated within the scope
            of this law. An area of 2.97 hectares in the İmaret, Lala Sinanpaşa, Tahtalı, Şazi
            and Aliefendi neighborhoods of the Bolvadin district in Afyonkarahisar are
            being renovated. (TBMM, 2021:213).
               Other  renovation  examples  in  this  scope  are  Hacıbayram  Mosque  area,
            Hergelen square in Ankara, Aziziye and Şükran Neighbourhoods, Mevlana and
            Altın bazaar in Konya, Alipaşa- Lalebey in Sur district in Diyarbakır, Yakutiye
            Hacıcuma in Erzurum, Camikebir (Suriçi) Neighbourhoods in Melikgazi district
            in Kayseri, Citadel area, Cevizlibağ-Esentepe- Üçgüzeller in central Nevşehir,
            city square in central Sinop, Taşhan in central Sivas, Çapanoğlu Mosque area
            in central Yozgat.
               In the scope of Article 73 Of Municipal Law No. 5393 , urban regeneration
            and development areas can be also declared. With this legislation, a large
            number of projects have been implemented, especially in cooperation with
            the Municipalities and TOKİ. For example, an area of 11.25 hectares in Kale
            neighbourhood in central Muş was declared as the urban regeneration and
            development  project  area  upon  the  decision  of  the  Council  of  Ministers,
            and 715 residential buildings and 107 commercial units were constructed in
            cooperation with the Municipality and TOKİ (TBMM, 2021: 210).
               4.Housing Applications After the Disaster

               Houses  are  being  built  within  the  framework  of  legislation  for  disaster
            victims whose houses have become uninhabitable or considered risky to live
            after disasters such as earthquakes, floods and fires. In these studies carried
            out  within  the  scope  of  the  ”Regulation  on  the  Determination  of  Rights
            Holders Due to Disaster”, the procedures for determining the right holder are

            8 Law No. 5366 dated 16/6/2005, Article: 2
            9 Law No. 5393 dated 3/7/2005, Article: 73

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