Page 268 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 268

Environmental Sustainability and Cycling as a
                                   Transport Mode: Best Practices

            with it, air pollution in cities. This situation leads to the usage of inefficient
            public spaces dominated by private car use with low capacity and low
            occupancy rate. In addition, as a result of adopting the traditional approach,
            a significant part of public open spaces cause multi-storey intersections, new
            parking areas, urban spaces that do not put people at the center, where roads
            are widened with narrowed sidewalks, street structure that creates obstacles
            to accessibility for pedestrians and negatively affects urban aesthetics. In
            traditional transportation policies, the policy maker ignores the demand for
            travel and the resulting traffic demand (Öcalır, 2020).
               The damage of an urban transportation system focused on automobile
            dependence, especially to the environment, climate and nature, negatively
            affects human health and quality of life. It is clear that automobile use and
            its preservation as a dependency have negative consequences on the three
            stages of sustainability: economy, society and, in particular, environmental
            quality. Therefore, it is becoming clear that we can no longer sustain vehicle
            dependence for urban transport all over the world. In short, a mobility-
            based urban transportation model with a private vehicle is unsustainable. For
            example, air pollution is one of the most prominent effects on environmental
            sustainability caused by traffic on roads. Emissions from road vehicles contain
            significant levels of polluting particles that cause health effects and pollution.
            The most remarkable one among the causes of climate change, the effects
            of which are obvious today, is the gases that emerge as a result of burning of
            fossil fuels causing carbon emissions. Another problem field is the effects of
            acidification on nature, agriculture and landscape, in short, on environmental
            sustainability (Wee, 2007).
               Newman and Kenworthy (2000) reveal the negative effects of the private
            vehicle-dependent urban transportation system on the sub-issues of
            sustainability,  that  is,  the  environment,  economy  and  society,  in  Table  1.
            From  the  point  of  view  of  environmental  sustainability,  which  is  the  main
            subject of the research, the emerging main problem fields include fossil fuel
            dependence  from  petroleum,  increase  of  emissions  that  are  the  source  of
            carbon emissions, uncontrolled urban expansion, a decrease in groundwater
            reserves due to problems in stormwater drainage and the resulting flood risks
            and deficiencies in traffic management, congestion and noise pollution. Along
            with the environmentally unsustainable structure, the economic costs and
            socially unsustainable consequences created by private vehicle dependency
            show that it is inevitable to turn to alternative types of transportation and
            shape the structure of new urban mobility policies with these alternative
            active types of transportation. As indicated in Table 1 below, private vehicle-
            oriented  urban  and  regional  transportation  systems  have  quite  significant
            environmental effects in addition to their economic and social effects.

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