Page 188 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 188

Exemplary Civilization in Sustainable Water Management from
                         The Perspective of Environmental History: The Ottoman State

            water channels, houses, etc. Hakk-ı mesil is one of the rights mentioned about
            sewage (dirt). As far as the share of the dike among the easement rights is
            concerned, the following three cases are mentioned;
               •   The cost of water from the public river, stream, creek, etc. is on the
                    •   The people who use the water in the regions where the streams are
                       divided into tributaries are responsible for repairing, maintaining
                       and repairing the water,

                    •   The owners of usufruct rights should undertake the maintenance and
                       repair of the canals belonging to private waters (Akgündüz, 2000).
               The  protection of  water resources was of  the utmost  importance  in  the
            Ottoman state, as can be seen from the rulings and decisions. Even individuals
            who had been in possession of the property for many years were subjected
            to sanctions and penalties necessary to repair the damage caused. Apart
            from this, it can be seen that various resolutions and rules were applied to the
            construction of new water conduits, the extraction of water resources and the
            methods of water supply (Uçar, 2017).
               If the legal regulations of the Ottoman Empire are examined, the institutions
            such as neighborhood imams, craftsmen’s chamberlains, foundations (waqfs),
            etc. were held responsible for solving the problems related to water or
            preventing  the  possible  damages  (Akgündüz,  2009).  The  Ottoman  state’s
            approach to solving the possible water problems by involving people from the
            public is admirable. This integrated structure provides a different perspective
            in solving today’s water problems, while also serving as an exemplary role
            model in introducing responsible consumers into society.

               The Importance of Water in Ottoman Architecture
               The Ottoman Empire, which had a different vision based on faith in its time,
            constructed architectural works in an order and harmony that is still impressive
            today  with  unique  features,  despite  the  scarce  opportunities  of  that  time.
            These works, which have survived to the present day, especially those related
            to water, have a significant impact on calling it a “water civilization” (Urfalıoğlu,
            2015). In particular, the charitable people who wanted to build dispensers and
            fountains for charitable purposes and the importance that the state gave to
            water supply resulted in architectural structures that were made with delicacy.
            Various architectural structures such as dispensaries, cisterns, fountains, wells,
            Turkish baths, fountains with reservoirs, aqueducts, reservoirs, etc., which
            were constructed according to the needs, were addressed in all branches of
            art, from literature to poetry, and influenced the emergence of “water culture”

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