Page 186 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 186

Exemplary Civilization in Sustainable Water Management from
                         The Perspective of Environmental History: The Ottoman State

               The issue of fire has been one of the problems that are difficult to control and
            have been an important task for the states from the past to the present. In this
            regard, in the Ottoman state, which took the responsibility of managing large
            geographical regions, even sultans were closely and personally interested in
            this issue. Especially in the early days of the state, fire incidents were more
            frequent due to the lack of extinguishing water. In order to solve this problem,
            fire valves were added to the fountains over time, and fire-fighting services
            were established as a result of the experience gained and inspections carried
            out. Along with the administrative regulations, new organizational structures
            were  established  to  extinguish  the  increasing  number  of  fires  (Özgür  and
            Azaklı, 2001). As can be seen in Figure 2, the people who took an active role in
            these established organizational structures were the firefighters (tulumbacılar).

                                  Figure 2. Firemen (Öztürk, 2007)
               In the early days of the state, the firemen used to wait at the covered bazaar
            with the tools they used to extinguish fires, and they would intervene in the
            fire together by gathering people who would voluntarily participate from the
            public. However, due to the confusion caused by this method, the fire-fighting
            work was transferred to the Janissary Guild (Yeniçeri Ocağı) during the reign
            of Yavuz Sultan Selim Han. The tools used by the janissaries, who played an
            important role in fighting fires in the wooden houses of İstanbul, were given
            by the mayor to the head of the janissaries and distributed to those who were
            involved in extinguishing the fires (Öztürk, 2007). The water used during the fires

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