Page 58 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 1
P. 58

Climate Change Crisis And Cities

                                Figure 3: SDG11 goals (UNDP, 2022b)
               When climate change and cities are studied together, the most important
            strategies for developing solutions in the fight against climate change include
            mitigation of greenhouse gases and adaptation to existing effects of climate
            change. Especially climate change adaptation actions are expected to provide
            benefits towards protecting sensitive groups and low-income neighborhoods
            adaing the effect of climate change. In 2015, World Bank defined the “poverty
            line”,  which  refers  to the minimum  living  costs  for  people  in  the poorest
            countries,  as  $1,90.  According  to  this  definition,  around  10%  of  the  world
            population today lives below the poverty line (World Bank, 2022). UN Global
            Commission on Adaptation estimates that another 100 million people will
            start to live below the porverty line by 2030 (Boland et al., 2021: 6). Especially
            low-income groups lack the capaticty and resources necessary to fight the
            effects of climate change and adapt to them. These groups are also more
            likely to be effected by disasters experienced in cities due climate change
            (IPCC, 2014).
               Strategies towards providing climate resilience in all activities, city residents
            and  particularly  these  vulnerable  groups,  are  also  mentioned  in  the  New
            Urban  Agenda  issued  in  UN  Habitat  III  Conference  held  in  2016.  For  the
            sake of creating cities resillient to climate change, the document suggests
            reducing  the  use  of  fossil  fuels,  developing  energy-efficient  planning  and
            design approaches, and increasing the use of renewable energy sources as
            well as green infra-structure in the cities (UN Habitat, 2016).
               As obvious seen in these examples, the importance of cities is emphasized
            not only in UN SDGs, but also in the New Urban Agenda, and it was highlighted
            that  these  are  points  to  consider  in  the  fight  against  climate  change.  In

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