Page 41 - FaaliyetBulteni-Ingilizce
P. 41

             A National Strategy and Action Plan to   This will become more common every day.  “This Will Contribute to Reducing Our
             Be Developed                            ˆ˘˖ˢˡ˗˟ˬʟ there is the issue of sustainable  Carbon Footprint.”
                                                     development and smooth development.
             Within the scope of the project that will last   The world is moving from smooth deve-  The Head of the EU Delegation to Türki-
             36 months in total, the potential in Türkiye   lopment to the principles  of sustainable  ye, Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut,
             will be evaluated, a “National Strategy and   development. Both of these are actually  also emphasized that the transition to
             Action Plan” will be developed for waste   two  important tasks we need to  under-  circular economy should be accelerated
             and resource management in complian-    take in order to fight against and prevent  in the world, and renewable energy pro-
             ce with the EU Circular Economy Package,   climate ˖˛˔ˡ˚˘ʟ to think about the health  duction should also become widespread.
             the “integrated waste management sys-   of future ˚˘ˡ˘˥˔˧˜ˢˡ˦ʟ to become the ear  Meyer-Landrut stated the      “With
             tem” that aims to prevent waste genera-  of not just humans but all living things to  the implementation of the circular eco-
             tion and support the separate collection   hear what they are saying and to leave a  nomy in the EU, employment will increase
             will be evaluated, and promotional acti-  healthier future for them. ”         and fluctuations of products’  pricing will
             vities will be conducted. The project, sup-                                    be avoided.” Mentioning the importance
             ported within the scope of IPA II (European   “Possibility of the Imposition of A Deposit   of the project, Meyer-Landrut stated the
             Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assis-  Requirement on Boxes of Cigarettes and        “Through the project, Türkiye’s
             tance Sector Operational Programme for  Drugs Used in Agricultural Lands.”     green economy will grow and contribute
             Environment and Climate Action), has a                                         to the reduction of its carbon footprint.”
             budget of 3 million 200 thousand Euros.  Deputy Minister Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Bir-
                                                          stated that Türkiye would recycle all
             “Raw Material Not Waste.”               its packaged products in the near future,
                                                     just like they did in European countries,
             Speaking at the opening, Prof. Dr. Meh-  and might even impose a deposit requi-
             met Emin         stated that after child-  rement on boxes of cigarettes and drugs
             ren were poisoned during their play in the   used in agricultural lands and added that
             garden of a housing estate in the USA in   almost all laws on environment were alig-
             1972 by the hazardous waste buried in a   ned with the EU.
             garden of the factory near the estate, a
             regulation was enacted on this issue, and   “The Issue of Environment is Above Poli -
             added that until then, hazardous waste   tics.”
             h a    d  n    t o  b e e    n  o  h t   n    e  a g e n d  h t   n i   a    e  U S      . A
             Stating that one of the decisions taken at   “The issue of environment is above politi-
             the Climate Council was to shut down all   ˖˦ʟ it shouldn’t be compared to other is-
                                                                                               “We Have Only One
             regular landfills in Türkiye by 2050,   sues. I think we should  continue  to work
             emphasized that waste was actually raw   together in  order for  Türkiye  to align its
                                                                                                        who stated that  great ef-
             materials and should be recycled.       environmental infrastructure  with Euro-
                                                                                               forts, were exerted on environmen-
                                                     pean Union standards and global stan-
                                                                                               tal awareness in the last 5 years in
                                                     dards.” stated       and added that in
                                                                                               Türkiye added the           “We
             Ϣˇˢ˗˔ˬʟ the  world is  transitioning from a  ˇ͎˥˞˜ˬ˘ʟ it was  necessary to avoid waste
                                                                                               don’t have anywhere else to go. We
             disposable  economy  to a circular eco-  to the extent  possible and  to remember
                                                                                               have only one earth. Our resources
             nomy. There is this idea of ‘buying as mi-  that every product thrown away is a raw
                                                                                               are limited, as such we will have
             nimum as  ˣˢ˦˦˜˕˟˘ʟ recycling all  of  what  material wasted.
                                                                                               done a good job if we use our re-
             you have  bought and using  it as a raw
                                                                                               sources sustainably and pass them
             material for something else’.
                                                                                               on to future generations.”

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