Page 33 - FaaliyetBulteni-Ingilizce
P. 33
The introductory meeting of the ‘’Technical Assistance to Enhance the Ca-
pacity of AFAD in the Adaptation and Reduction of Disaster Risks Resulting
DISASTER RISKS ARISING from the Climate Change in Türkiye Project’’ was held under the Presidency
INTRODUCED The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs & Direc-
tor for EU Affairs, Ambassador Faruk ʾ˔ˬˠ˔˞̹ͻʟ Head of the EU Delegation
to Türkiye Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, Head of EU Investments
Department of the General Directorate of the European Union and Fo-
reign Relations in the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate
Change ͺ˦ˠ˔˜˟ Raci Bayer and representatives from relevant institutions
and organizations. The project, whose end beneficiary is the Planning and
Risk Reduction Department of the Disaster and Emergency Management
Presidency, affiliated to the Ministry of the Interior, and whose contracting
authority is the Department of EU Investments in the General Directorate
for the EU and Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanizati-
on and Climate Change, is co-funded by the Republic of Türkiye and the
European Union. With a total budget of 3 million Euros, the project aims to
determine the risks for potential disasters, to benefit from the findings for
the efforts to reduce the losses and to build capacity in reducing risks and
developing technical, financial and planning options for increasing the cli-
mate change adaptation capacity and the resilience of stakeholders in
line with EU and international policies.
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE “NEW ʼˁˇʸ˅ʺ˂ˉʸ˅ˁˀʸˁˇʴʿ
The implementation of the “New Urban Agenda” of the United “4th Intergovernmental Conference” (IGC-4) was held in New
Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) was York, with the aim of drafting an international legally binding
discussed in New York. instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law
of the Sea (UNCLOS) on the conservation and sustainable
The high-level meeting of the general assembly on the prog- use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national
ress made in the implementation of the “New Urban Agen- jurisdiction.
da”, adopted 6 years ago, of UN-Habitat, United Nations or-
ganization that carries out studies on human settlements The conference organized by the UN, in which our Ministry was
and sustainable urban development, was held in New York. also represented, was attended by 125 countries. The confe-
Affordable housing, access to basic services, poverty, com- rence was chaired by Rena Lee, Special Envoy of the Minister
bating (fighting against) inequality, environmental pollution, for Foreign Affairs of Singapore and Ambassador for Oceans
climate change, urban planning and sustainable urban de- and Law of the Sea Issues. The fifth session of the conference
velopment, as outlined in the four-year report of the United (IGC V), where marine genetic resources, field-based ma-
Nations Secretary-General, were consulted at the meeting nagement tools, environmental impact assessment, marine
where Türkiye was also represented. technology transfer and financial issues are on the agenda,
will be held between 15-26 August 2022.