Page 32 - FaaliyetBulteni-Ingilizce
P. 32
General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Relations / Bulletin
Deputy Minister of He Explained Türkiye’s Climate against climate change. Mentioning that
Policies we were at a critical point to limit global
Environment, Urbanization warming to 1.5 degrees, stated
and Climate Change Speaking at the sessions, that it was of vital importance to close the
talked about the need for long-term emission reduction gap by 2030.
and the Chief Negotiator for
and decisive policies to combat cli- pointed out that supporting developing
Climate Change Prof. Dr. mate change and adapt to the ef- countries in finance, technology and ca-
fects of climate change, and shared pacity building was of critical importance
Türkiye’s fight against climate chan- in achieving the 1.5 degree target. Empha-
represented Türkiye in the ge with the participants. Referring to sizing the importance of transitioning from
Ministerial Meeting on the strengthening of Turkey’s institu- fossil fuels to renewable energy,
tional structure on climate change underlined the importance of cooperation
Implementation of Climate after signing the Paris Agreement in developing and transferring technology.
Actions held in Copenhagen, and the establishment of the Mi-
nistry of Climate Change,
the capital of Denmark.
explained the climate strategies
The meeting, which and action plans put forward by the
consisted of four sessions, Ministry under the roof of the green
development move.
was held under the ʴ˟˟ ˟˜ˡ˞˦ ˜ˡ ˔ ˖˛˔˜ˡ ˦˛ˢ˨˟˗ ˕˘
headings of Developing Countries Are a Link in ˦˧˥˘ˡ˚˧˛˘ˡ˘˗ ˙ˢ˥ ˔˟˟ʠˢ˨˧ ˙˜˚˛˧
"Adaptation to Climate Effects", The Chain ˔˚˔˜ˡ˦˧ ˖˟˜ˠ˔˧˘ ˖˛˔ˡ˚˘ʡ
ʷ˘˩˘˟ˢˣ˜ˡ˚ ˖ˢ˨ˡ˧˥˜˘˦ ˦˛ˢ˨˟˗
"Emission Reduction and Stating that the transition processes
˕˘ ˦˨ˣˣˢ˥˧˘˗ ˜ˡ ˙˜ˡ˔ˡ˖˜ˡ˚ʟ
Keeping 1.5 Degrees Alive", of developing countries to green
economy should be supported, Bir- ˧˘˖˛ˡˢ˟ˢ˚ˬ ˔ˡ˗ ˖˔ˣ˔˖˜˧ˬ
"Prevention, Minimization and
emphasized that all links in a ˕˨˜˟˗˜ˡ˚
Compensation chain should be strengthened and
of Loss and Damage" and supported with financial and te-
chnical assistance for all-out fight Deputy Minister of Environment, Urbanization and
"Mobilization of Finances!" Climate Change