Page 17 - FaaliyetBulteni-Ingilizce
P. 17

             Estate Platform, GYODER. Minister Kurum, who made a speech
             there, stated that Türkiye was one of the leading and powerful
             countries   in the world in the real estate and construction sec-
             tor and added that over 100 sector organizations as well as suc-
             cessful projects and important companies of ͺ˦˧˔ˡ˕˨˟ attended
             MIPIM 2022.

             “We Will Send 10 Environment and Urbanization Counsellors to
             7 Countries.”

             Minister Kurum, who provided information to foreign investors on
             the foreign organization of the Ministry of Environment, Urbaniza-
             tion and Climate Change stated the following: “We are providing
             consultancy services within the Embassies in order to help fore-
             ign investors carry out relations.  “We are initially sending 10 Envi-  Our Country’s Doors are Open to In-
             ronment and Urbanization Counsellors to 7 countries. Our coun-    vestors
             sellors in the USA, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Kenya, Qatar and
             Russia will start working in the upcoming months. We will later   Explaining that  ˪˜˧˛  ˧˛˘  ˗˘˖˜˦˜ˢˡ  ˧ˢ  ˕˘˖ˢˠ˘ a
             send other counsellors to other countries.                        party ˧ˢ ˧˛˘ ˃˔˥˜˦ ʴ˚˥˘˘ˠ˘ˡ˧ʟ ˔ˡˡˢ˨ˡ˖˘˗ ˕ˬ ˧˛˘
                                                                               ˃˥˘˦˜˗˘ˡ˧  ˅˘˖˘ˣ  ˇ˔ˬˬ˜ˣ  ʸ˥˗ˢͭ˔ˡ  ˧ˢ  ˧˛˘  ˪ˢ˥˟˗
                                                                               ˣ˨˕˟˜˖˟ˬ at ˧˛˘ ʪʩ˧˛ ʺ˘ˡ˘˥˔˟ ʴ˦˦˘ˠ˕˟ˬ ˢ˙ ˧˛˘ ˈˁʟ
                                                                               a ˡ˘˪ ˔ˡ˗ ˛˜˦˧ˢ˥˜˖˔˟ ˘˥˔ ˛˔˗ ˕˘˘ˡ ˘ˡ˧˘˥˘˗ in ˨˥-
                                                                               ˕˔ˡ ˣ˟˔ˡˡ˜ˡ˚ʟ ʾ˨˥˨ˠ ˦˧˔˧˘˗ that ˇ͎˥˞˜ˬ˘ ˪˜˟˟ ˪ˢ˥˞
                                                                               ˧ˢ ˔˖˛˜˘˩˘ ˜˧˦ Ϣˡ˘˧ ˭˘˥ˢ ˘ˠ˜˦˦˜ˢˡϣ ˧˔˥˚˘˧ in ʥʣʨʦʡ
                                                                               ˃ˢ˜ˡ˧˜ˡ˚ ˢ˨˧ that ˧˛˘ˬ ˛˔˗ ˧ˢ ˠ˔˞˘ ˡ˘˪ ˜ˡ˩˘˦˧-
                                                                               ˠ˘ˡ˧˦  ˪˜˧˛  ˧˛˘  ϟʺ˥˘˘ˡ  ʷ˘˩˘˟ˢˣˠ˘ˡ˧  ˅˘˩ˢ˟˨˧˜ˢˡϠ
                                                                               ˧˔˥˚˘˧ʟ ʾ˨˥˨ˠ ˔˗˗˘˗ ˧˛˘ ˙ˢ˟˟ˢ˪˜ˡ˚ʭ

                                                                               “We accord importance to climate-friendly green
                                                                               transformation. We ask our investors to prioritize
                                                                               recycling in every material they use. We invite in-
                                                                               vestors to our country. We would like the investors
                                                                               to know that there are important opportunities in
                                                                               every field. Our country and our heart are all the
                                                                               way open to investors.”

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