Page 15 - FaaliyetBulteni-Ingilizce
P. 15

                After being treated by the Sea Turtle Re-  “Hasan Efe”, “Nazo”, “Diana” and “Özgün”.   supported by the Ministry of Environment,
                search, Rescue and Rehabilitation Center  Travelling thousands of miles since, Tuba  Urbanization and Climate Change, ef-
                (DEKAMER) in Dalyan, and being installed  has  visited many  European countries.  forts are exerted to help baby turtles that
                a satellite tracking device and released  Currently, she is in the  offshore waters  hatch and go to the sea for their survival
                to sea, the adventure of the caretta ca-  of the  Adriatic  Sea... Millions of  people  and to treat injured or sick turtles.
                retta named Tuba continues in the vast  witness Tuba’s long adventure through
                blue seas. Tuba, released to the sea in  “Where is Tuba?” web page, where live   Mrs. Emine ʸ˥˗ˢͭ˔ˡ visited Patara as the
                one of Türkiye’s heavenly locations ͺ˭˧˨-  (instant) satellite images are shared.  guest of the Minister of Environment, Ur-
                zu Beach also known as “Turtle Beach”, is                                    banization and  Climate Change  Murat
                now swimming in the offshore waters of  What did Tuba teach us?              Kurum, examined the treatment efforts
                the Adriatic Sea.                                                            in the center and obtained information
                                                      Tuba, found injured and returned to the  about the works being conducted. Mrs.
                Tuba’s Story                          blue  seas after her treatment,  has tau-  ʸ˥˗ˢͭ˔ˡʟ who  named one of  the three
                                                      ght us many things thanks to her tracking  sea turtles installed with a satellite trac-
                Tuba, who is a 30-year-old female log-  device. She showed us how long caretta  king device as Ϣʵ˘˟˞ͻ˦ϣ attended the event
                gerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), was  caretta turtles stay underwater in each  where “Patara” and “Likya” sea turtles,
                first encountered during the works the  dive, which temperatures they prefer,  both named  by the Ministry, as well as
                Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and  what changes occur in the behavior of a  Ϣʵ˘˟˞ͻ˦ϣ ˥˘˔˖˛˘˗ ˧˛˘ ˦˘˔ʡ
                Climate Change was conducting in or-  treated sea turtle and most importantly,
                der to protect sea turtles. The turtle, whi-  by visiting many European countries, why
                ch was followed closely due to her odd  we always have to cooperate to protect
                movements while trying to make a nest  the world.
                on the beach, was found to be injured.
                Most likely, a marine propeller had inju-  Sea Turtles Under Protection              You can also follow Tuba’s
                                                                                                       long journey instantly
                red Tuba. After her treatment in DEKAMER
                                                                                                      through the “Where is
                for approximately 2 months, the turtle, re-  Sea Turtles which prefer Türkiye’s Mediter-  Tuba?”(https://www.
                ady to return to sea, was installed with a  ranean beaches to lay eggs are followed
                                                                                                        html) web page.
                tracking device to monitor its migration  closely and are treated and rehabilitated
                path, after being named as Tuba. Then, it  when necessary. One of these works is
                was sent off with other turtles injured for  the Patara Sea Turtles Conservation and
                other reasons who were named “Dalyan”,  Monitoring Program. With this program

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