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 ortak eylem programının çeşitli hazırlık ve uy-  ting desertification, harmonize national action   ANNEX V REGIONAL IMPLEMENTATION AN-  (e)  forest  coverage  losses  due  to  climatic
 gulama safhalarında tavsiyelerde bulunulması  programmes,  make  recommendations  at  the   factors, consequences of air pollution and
 ve  Sözleşmenin  16-19’uncu  maddeleri  uya-  various stages of preparation and implementa-  NEX FOR CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE  frequent wildfires;
 rınca yapılacak teknik işbirliğinin teşvik ve ko-  tion of the subregional, regional or joint action
 ordinasyonunda bir odak noktası sağlanması  programme,  and  act  as  a  focal  point  for  the   Article 1 Purpose  (f) the use of unsustainable development
 için, etkilenen ülke Tarafların temsilcilerinden  promotion and coordination of technical coo-  practices  in  affected  areas  as  a  result  of
 oluşan bir koordinasyon komitesi kurabilirler.  peration pursuant to articles 16 to 19 of the   The  purpose  of  this  Annex  is  to  provide  gu-  complex  interactions  among  physical,  bi-
 Convention.  idelines  and  arrangements  for  the  effective   ological, political, social and economic fa-
 Madde 9 MALİ YARDIM ALAMAMA  implemen-tation  of  the  Convention  in  affec-  ctors;
 Article 9 Non-eligibility for financial assistance  ted country Parties of the Central and Eastern
 Ulusal, alt-bölgesel, bölgesel ve ortak eylem  In implementing national, subregional, regional   European  region,  in  the  light  of  its  particular   (g) the risks of growing economic hardships
 programlarının uygulanmasında, etkilenen ge-  and joint action programmes, affected develo-  conditions.  and deteriorating social conditions in are-
 lişmiş ülke Taraflar bu Sözleşme kapsamında  ped country Parties of the region are not eli-  as affected by land degradation, desertifi-
 mali yardım alamazlar.  gible to receive financial assistance under this   Article  2  Particular  conditions  of  the  central   cation and drought;
 Convention.  and eastern European region
 Madde  10  DİĞER  ALT-BÖLGE  VE  BÖLGE-       (h) the need to review research objectives
 LERLE KOORDİNASYON  Article 10 Coordination with other subregions   The  particular  conditions  of  the  Central  and   and  the  policy  and  legislative  framework
 and regions  Eastern European region referred to in article 1,   for the sustainable management of natural
 Kuzey  Akdeniz  bölgesindeki  alt-bölgesel,   which apply in varying degrees to the affected   resources; and
 bölgesel  ve  ortak  eylem  programları,  diğer  Subregional, regional and joint action program-  country Parties of the region, include:  (i) the  opening  up  of the  region to wider
 alt-bölge ve bölgelerle, özellikle Kuzey Afrika  mes in the northern Mediterranean region may   international cooperation and the pursuit
 alt-bölgesiyle  birlikte  çalışarak  hazırlanabilir  be prepared and implemented in collaboration   (a)  specific  problems  and  challenges  re-  of broad objectives of sustainable develop-
 ve uygulanabilirler.  with those of other subregions or regions, parti-  lated  to  the  current  process  of  econo-  ment.
 cularly with those of the subregion of northern   mic  transition,  including  macroeconomic
 Africa.   and  financial  problems  and  the  need  for  Article 3 Action programmes
           strengthening the social and political fra-
           mework for economic and market reforms;  1.  National  action  programmes  shall  be  an
                                            integral part of the policy framework for sus-
           (b) the variety of forms of land degradation  tainable  development  and  address  in  an  ap-
           in the different ecosystems of the region,  propriate  manner  the  various  forms  of  land
           including  the  effects  of  drought  and  the  degradation, desertification and drought affe-
           risks of desertification in regions prone to  cting the Parties of the region.
           soil erosion caused by water and wind;
                                            2. A consultative and participatory process, in-
           (c) crisis conditions in agriculture due, inter  volving appropriate levels of government, local
           alia, to depletion of arable land, problems  communities and non-governmental organiza-
           related to inappropriate irrigation systems  tions, shall be undertaken to provide guidance
           and gradual deterioration of soil and water  on  a  strategy  with  flexible  planning  to  allow
           conservation structures;         maximum  local  participation,  pursuant  to  ar-
                                            ticle 10, paragraph 2(f), of the Convention. As
           (d) unsustainable exploitation of water re-  appropriate, bilateral and multilateral coopera-
           sources  leading  to  serious  environmental  tion agencies may be involved in this process
           damage, including chemical pollution, sali-  at  the  request  of  the  affected  country  Party
           nisation and exhaustion of aquifers;  concerned.

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