Page 59 - BaselSozlesmesi
P. 59

BASEL SÖZLEŞMESİ                                        THE BASEL CONVENTION

 UN Class  Code   Characteristics  UN Class  Code       Characteristics

 5.1  H5.1  Oxidizing:  6.2     H6.2                    Infectious substances:
 Substances  or  wastes  which,                         Substances or wastes contai-
 while  in  themselves  not  ne-                        ning viable micro organisms or
 cessarily  combustible,  may,                          their toxins which are known
 generally  by  yielding  oxygen                        or suspected to cause disease
 cause,  or  contribute  to,  the                       in animals or humans.
 combustion  of  other  materi-

 5.2  H5.2  Organic Peroxides:  8  H8                   Corrosives:
 Organic  substances  or  was-                          Substances  or  wastes  which,
 tes  which  contain  the  biva-                        by chemical action, will cause
 lent-o-o-structure  are  ther-                         severe damage when in con-
 mally  unstable  substances                            tact  with  living  tissue,  or,  in
 which may undergo exother-                             the case of leakage, will mate-
 mic  self-accelerating  decom-                         rially damage, or even destroy,
 position.                                              other goods or the means of
                                                        transport; they may also cause
                                                        other hazards.

 6.1  H6.1  Poisonous (Acute):
 Substances  or  wastes  liable
 either to cause death or seri-
 ous injury or to harm human
 health if swallowed or inhaled
 or by skin contact.

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