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Article 1: harvested population to levels below those 2. Nothing in this Convention and no acts or have been recommended by the Antarctic Tre-
which ensure its stable recruitment. For this activities taking place while the present Con- aty Consultative Parties in fulfilment of their
1. This Convention applies to the Antarctic ma- purpose its size should not be allowed to fall vention is in force shall: responsibility for the protection of the Antarctic
rine living resources of the area south of 60° below a level close to that which ensures the environment from all forms of harmful human
South latitude and to the Antarctic marine li- greatest net annual increment; (a) Constitute a basis for asserting, sup- interference.
ving resources of the area between that latitu- porting or denying a claim to territorial
de and the Antarctic Convergence which form (b) Maintenance of the ecological relationships sovereignty in the Antarctic Treaty area or 3. For the purposes of this Convention, “An-
part of the Antarctic marine ecosystem. between harvested, dependent and related po- create any rights of sovereignty in the An- tarctic Treaty Consultative Parties” means the
pulations of Antarctic marine living resources tarctic Treaty area; Contracting Parties to the Antarctic Treaty
2. Antarctic marine living resources means the and the restoration of depleted populations to whose Representatives participate in meetings
populations of fin fish, molluscs, crustaceans the levels defined in sub-paragraph (a) above; (b) Be interpreted as a renunciation or di- under Article IX of the Antarctic Treaty.
and all other species of living organisms, inclu- and (c) prevention of changes or minimization minution by any Contracting Party of, or as
ding birds, found south of the Antarctic Conver- of the risk of changes in the marine ecosystem prejudicing, any right or claim or basis of Article 6:
gence. which are not potentially reversible over two or claim to exercise coastal state jurisdiction
three decades, taking into account the state of under international law within the area to Nothing in this Convention shall derogate from
3. The Antarctic marine ecosystem means the available knowledge of the direct and indirect which this Convention applies; the rights and obligations of Contracting Par-
complex of relationships of Antarctic marine impact of harvesting, the effect of the introdu- ties under the International Convention for the
living resources with each other and with their ction of alien species, the effects of associated (c) Be interpreted as prejudicing the positi- Regulation of Whaling and the Convention for
physical environment. activities on the marine ecosystem and of the on of any Contracting Party as regards its the Conservation of Antarctic Seals.
effects of environmental changes, with the aim recognition or non-recognition of any such
4. The Antarctic Convergence shall be deemed of making possible the sustained conservation right, claim or basis of claim;
to be a line joining the following points along of Antarctic marine living resources. Article 7:
parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude: (d) Affect the provision of Article I V, parag-
50°S, 0°; 50°S, 30°E; 45°S, 30°E; 45°S, 80°E; raph 2, of the Antarctic Treaty that no new 1. The Contracting Parties hereby establish and
55°S, 80°E; 55°S, 150°E; 60°S, 150°E; 60°S, Article 3: claim, or enlargement of an existing claim, agree to maintain the Commission for the Conser-
50°W; 50°S, 50°W; 50°S, 0°. to territorial sovereignty in Antarctica shall vation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (herei-
The Contracting Parties, whether or not they be asserted while the Antarctic Treaty is in nafter referred to as “the Commission”).
Article 2: are Parties to the Antarctic Treaty, agree that force. 2. Membership in the Commission shall be as
they will not engage in any activities in the An-
tarctic Treaty area contrary to the principles Article 5: follows:
1. The objective of this Convention is the con- and purposes of that Treaty and that, in their
servation of Antarctic marine living resources. relations with each other, they are bound by (a) Each Contracting Party which participated
the obligations contained in Articles I and V of 1. The Contracting Parties which are not Par- in the meeting at which this Convention was
2. For the purposes of this Convention, the the Antarctic Treaty. ties to the Antarctic Treaty acknowledge the adopted shall be a Member of the Commis-
term “conservation” includes rational use. special obligations and responsibilities of the sion;
Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties for the (b) Each State Party which has acceded to
3. Any harvesting and associated activities in Article 4: protection and preservation of the environment this Convention pursuant to Article XXIX
the area to which this Convention applies shall of the Antarctic Treaty area. shall be entitled to be a Member of the
be conducted in accordance with the provisions 1. With respect to the Antarctic Treaty area, 2. The Contracting Parties which are not Par- Commission during such time as that ac-
of this Convention and with the following prin- all Contracting Parties, whether or not they ties to the Antarctic Treaty agree that, in their ceding party is engaged in research or har-
ciples of conservation: are Parties to the Antarctic Treaty, are bound activities in the Antarctic Treaty area, they will vesting activities in relation to the marine
observe as and when appropriate the Agreed
by Articles IV and VI of the Antarctic Treaty in living resources to which this Convention
(a) Prevention of decrease in the size of any their relations with each other. Measures for the Conservation of Antarctic applies;
Fauna and Flora and such other measures as
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