Page 9 - Zero Waste - November 2024
P. 9

NEWS      9


               Gas Effectas Effect

           Trıggers Temperature Recordsrıggers Temperature Records

        Stating that the             with 6.1%, and fluorinated   (19.9%), waste (19.6%), and   caused extreme weather events.  Hasar mentioned scenarios pre-
        greenhouse gases             greenhouse gases with 1.9%.  industrial processes and prod-  Hasar continued by stating that   pared by the Intergovernmen-
                                                                                               three-quarters of the green-
                                                                  uct use (0.02%). Nitrous oxide
                                                                                                                           tal Panel on Climate Change
        released due to the          In total greenhouse gas emis-  emissions originated 77.9%   house gases in the atmosphere   (IPCC), which estimate that
        use of fossil fuels          sions in 2022, energy-related   from agriculture, 11.2% from   consist of carbon dioxide:   global temperature increases
                                                                  energy, 6.2% from waste, and
                                     emissions held the largest
                                                                                               "Climate change, triggered by
                                                                                                                           could reach 4.4 degrees Celsius
        accumulate in the            share with 71.8% of the carbon   4.6% from industrial processes   human activities, is caused by   by 2100 if current policies con-
        atmosphere and heat          dioxide equivalent, followed by   and product use.        the accumulation of various   tinue. "Half of humanity now
                                                                                                                           faces water issues at least once a
                                                                                               gases, primarily carbon dioxide
                                     agriculture with 12.8%, indus-
        the Earth, Director          trial processes and product use   "Climate Change Is Among   and methane, in the atmo-  year. Due to high temperatures
        of Climate Change            with 12.5%, and the waste sector                          sphere due to the use of fossil   and severe droughts, many
                                                                                                                           epidemics are spreading much
                                     with 2.9%.
                                                                                               fuel-based energy, industrial
        Presidency Prof. Halil                                    the Most Urgent Issues       activities, and land use. As a   more quickly. The water crisis
        Hasar noted that the         Energy sector emissions      Facing Humanity"             result of the greenhouse effect,   is also deepening, and access
                                                                                               2023 was recorded as the hottest
                                                                                                                           to healthy food is becoming
                                     decreased by 1.4% in 2022
        increase in global           compared to the previous year,   Commenting on the methods   year on Earth, with the global   increasingly difficult. Accord-
        average temperatures         reaching 400.6 million tons   Türkiye employs in combating   average temperature rising by   ing to IPCC reports, migra-
        compared to the pre-         of carbon dioxide equivalent.   climate change and its carbon   1.45 degrees Celsius compared   tion could become a means of
                                                                                                                           adaptation to climate change.
                                     Emissions from industrial
                                                                                               to the pre-industrial period.
                                                                  reduction policies, Prof. Halil
        industrial period            processes and product use    Hasar emphasized that climate   Due to climate change, negative   Nearly 4 billion people live in
        has triggered climate        decreased by 6.4% compared   change is one of the most press-  impacts such as disruptions in   the most vulnerable regions to
                                     to the previous year, measuring
                                                                                               the natural cycles of different
                                                                                                                           the climate crisis. Imagine for a
                                                                  ing problems that humanity is
        change.                      69.9 million tons of carbon   struggling to address.      ecosystems, biodiversity loss,   moment the consequences if all
                                     dioxide equivalent in 2022.                               rising sea levels, and extreme   these people were to engage in
        According to Türkiye’s green-                             Explaining that the balance of   weather events have emerged.   mass migration," Hasar said.
        house gas emission statistics   Emissions from the agricultural   production and consumption   With the Paris Climate Agree-
        announced by the Turkish Sta-  sector decreased by 5.1% in   was disrupted by the mechani-  ment, we aim to limit global   Recalling that Türkiye has accel-
        tistical Institute (TURKSTAT),   2022 compared to the previ-  zation following the Industrial   warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius."  erated its efforts in combating
        Türkiye's carbon dioxide equiv-  ous year, amounting to 71.5   Revolution, Hasar said: "Green-                     climate change by becoming
        alent in 2021, which was 572   million tons of carbon dioxide   house gas emissions, which have   Referring to data from the   a party to the United Nations
        million tons, decreased by 24%   equivalent. Emissions from the   been rapidly increasing since   World Meteorological Or-  Framework Convention on
        compared to the previous year,   waste sector, on the other hand,   the mid-20th century, have   ganization (WMO) for the   Climate Change (UNFCCC),
        reaching 558.3 million tons of   increased by 5.5%, reaching 16.3   risen more than fourfold to the   1970-2019 period, Hasar stated   Hasar highlighted President
        carbon dioxide equivalent in   million tons of carbon dioxide   present day."          that climate-related disasters   Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's 2053
        2022. Per capita total green-  equivalent.                                             accounted for 91% of all natural   Net Zero Emissions and Green
        house gas emissions were 6.8                              The Hottest Year Due to the   disasters, and that drought,   Development Targets. He noted
        tons of carbon dioxide equiv-  In 2022, 32.6% of total carbon                          storms, floods, and extreme heat  that in April last year, Türkiye
        alent in 2021, and this figure   dioxide emissions came from   Greenhouse Effect       were among the top 10 disasters   submitted its first Updated
        dropped to 6.6 tons in 2022.  electricity and heat production,                         causing the most loss of life   Nationally Determined Contri-
                                     with 86.6% from energy, 13.1%                             worldwide. He also noted that   bution (NDC), raising its 2030
        Looking at the distribution of   from industrial processes and   Noting that the Earth has   drought incidents have doubled   emission reduction target from
                                                                  warmed more due to the
        greenhouse gas emissions in   product use, and 0.3% from   negative effects of greenhouse   in the last 40 years and that the   21% to 41%.
        2022, carbon dioxide ranks first   agriculture and waste sectors.   gases, Hasar pointed out that   geographical distribution of
        with 79.1%, followed by meth-  Methane emissions came from   this warming has led to changes   droughts has expanded, partly
        ane with 12.9%, nitrous oxide   agriculture (60.5%), energy                            due to climate change.
                                                                  in the seasons, which in turn

                Türkiye's                      Highlighting the growth in Tür-  solar energy capacity has in-  of relevant public institutions. The
                                                                               creased 74-fold in the last decade,  Climate Law also aims to establish
                                               kiye's renewable energy capaci-
                Renewable                      ty, Hasar stated that since 2002,  from 0.2 gigawatts to 15 gigawatts,  a National Emissions Trading Sys-
                                               Türkiye  has  increased  its  renew-
                                                                                                               tem (ETS) in Türkiye. In line with
                                                                               and wind energy capacity has ris-
                Energy                         able energy capacity more than  en from 4.5 gigawatts to 12.2 giga-  our 2053 net-zero target, we are
                                                                                                               preparing a Long-Term Climate
                                               fivefold, from 12 gigawatts to 64  watts. With the Climate Law cur-
                Power on                       gigawatts, raising the share of re-  rently under review in the Turkish  Strategy (LTS) and will present it
                                               newable energy in total installed  Grand National Assembly, we aim  to the United Nations at COP29."
                the Rise                       power from 38% to 58%.          to strengthen the legal framework
                                                                               for national climate action and de-
                                               Hasar added: "Türkiye's installed  fine the duties and responsibilities

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