Page 10 - Zero Waste - November 2024
P. 10

10   NEWS



        Energy Efficiencygy Efficiency

                                                    Will Be Supportedted
                                                    Will Be Suppor

        The objective of             The 2053 “Climate Change Strat-                           Electricity production from   al symbiosis practices will also
                                     egy” will be completed through  “Net Zero Transition
        Medium-Term                  the preparations for “Second                              renewable energy sources will   be encouraged.
                                                                                               be increased, and reliance on
        Program (MTP) is to          Nationally Determined Contri- in Transport and            exported energy sources will   The regulations on eco-design
                                     ments to reduce carbon emission  Action Plan” Will Be
        support the projects         butions” that include commit-                             be decreased. YEKA (renew-  and sustainable products in the
        that increase energy         and adapt to climate change.                              able energy program) projects   manufacturing sector will be
                                                                                                                           followed, and regulations will
                                                                                               will be developed, laying down
        efficiency, taking           Throughout the green transfor- Implemented                the use of local products as a   be prepared to calculate carbon
        into consideration           mation process, a carbon pricing                          condition, and efforts will be   footprint and other environ-
                                     mechanism will be established to  In the logistics sector, a na-
        competitiveness and          reduce greenhouse gas emission   tional plan will be launched   put to evaluate the potential   mental indicators. The digital
                                                                                                                           infrastructure will be supported
                                                                                               of offshore wind power. The
        local production             with the purpose of protecting   to introduce high-capacity   projects that aim to increase   as needed.
                                     competitiveness, minimizing the
        primarily in energy-         impact of Carbon Border Ad-  charging stations. The charging   energy efficiency primarily in
                                                                  station network will be expand-
        intensive sectors.           justment Mechanism (CBAM)    ed to spread the use of electric   energy-intensive sectors will be   Investments that comply with
                                                                                                                           the understanding of circular
                                                                                               supported, considering compet-
                                     and switching to low carbon   vehicles, and training and con-  itiveness and local production.  economy and aim at low carbon
        The MTP covers the period of   economy.                   sultancy services will be given                          production will be support-
        2025-2027. Based on the MTP,                              to support green transforma-  “National Green Certificate   ed within the scope of Green
        it has been concluded that the   The effects of the European   tion through national electric   System” intended for the ener-  Transformation Program.
        policies will be implemented to   Green Deal and CBAM on the   vehicles.               gy-efficient buildings that have
        accelerate green transformation   sector will be evaluated, and the                    a high rate of renewable energy   Zero Waste practices will be
        for sustainable growth; there   road maps aimed at the low car-                        will be popularized. R&D and   popularized. Forests will be
        will be more conformity with   bon sectors that will be affected   Regulation Preparations   innovation activities designed   protected within the framework
        international regulations; renew-  by the EU regulations will be                       for the position of technology   of sustainable forest manage-
        able energy sources will be used   completed.             on the Way to Assess         provider in the technology   ment. More and more carbon
        more, and energy efficiency will
        be increased.                The taxes categorized as carbon   Türkiye’s Heat Potential   fields within hydrogen value   sinks will be created, and indus-
                                     tax will be reviewed, and the                             chain will be supported.    trial plantation activities will be
        The preparations that approach   economic and social effects of   Regulations on heat supply will                  continued in suitable lands.
        climate change practices holis-  carbon pricing tools like comple-  be prepared to assess Türkiye’s   "National Circular Economy
        tically will be finalized and put   mentary carbon tax on devel-  heat potential and use waste   Action Plan” will be put into
        into implementation.         opment and investment will be   heat.                     practice, and national recovery
                                     analyzed.                                                 rates will be increased. Industri-

             Support to Training

             and Consultancy

             Services Intended for
             Green Transformation

             “Green Finance Strategy and Action Plan” which will
             contribute to green transformation will be put into

             Regulation preparations aimed to develop “National
             Green Taxonomy”, which aligns with international
             taxonomy examples including EU taxonomy and consi-
             ders Türkiye’s needs, will be finished.

             Standards will be determined, and a pool of experts
             will be created so that corporations can issue corporate
             sustainability reports aimed to form a financial market
             environment that provides information tailored to the
             reality and needs throughout the sustainable economy

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