Page 109 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 109
Mustafa Yücel Evrim Kalkan Tezcan, et al.,
help of new observations as well as 3-dimensional models. In this context,
the 3-dimensional Marmara Integrated Modeling System (MARMOD) with an
ecosystem approach will be developed. This ecosystem-based model which
was verified in terms of applicability in ocean systems and in Black Sea will be
adapted to two-layer Marmara Sea ecosystem.
The analyses carried out in the first phase indicate that the current estimates
of nutrient load from the basins are significantly lower than the actual values. It
is not possible to realize successful implementation strategies without making
more consistent estimations on the loads from terrestrial, point or non-point
sources, especially in the medium and long term. Thus, it is planned to conduct
more consistent nutrient load estimations on the pilot areas selected for the
second phase of MARMOD project by means of field studies that reveal the
nutrient loads from basins in highly areal and temporal scale and reflecting the
results of these studies on the remaining areas. It is projected that the existing
forecasting capacity will increase further with updating the water budgets and
determining the nutrient load and oxygen exchanges, and performing new
field studies designed to improve model forecasts.
MARMOD PHASE II Initial Findings and Mucilage Event
In the spring of 2021, a dense layer of slime appeared on the surface of the
Marmara Sea. These layers, which was found to be of organic origin in the initial
examinations, spread through the Marmara Sea covering a large part of it, and
became surprisingly thicker especially in the coastal areas (Yücel et al., 2021: 268).
Sea snot or scientifically called as ‘mucilage’ is known as an organic
formation which may be triggered with the increasing sea water temperature
and man-made pressures (domestic and industrial waste, inefficiencies in the
treatment levels, over-fishing etc.) (Yücel et al., 2021: 268). Due to its slimy
structure, it adversely affects the entire ecosystem, especially the marine
creatures on the seabed. It is predicted that the disturbance of the balance
may lead to greater ecological deteriorations (such as oxygen depletion in
the bottom waters, mass deaths of living things) (Yücel et al., 2021: 268). The
mucilage event in the Marmara Sea was reported for the first time in 2007
(Tüfekçi et al., 2010: 11).
In June 2021, R/V Bilim-2, an exploration vessel owned by METU-Institute
of Marine Sciences, headed to Marmara Sea for its first planned expedition
in the scope of MARMOD PHASE II project. R/V Bilim-2 vessel continued its
explorations in the Marmara for one month in coordination with the Ministry
of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change in order to observe and
understand the mucilage spread over almost every part of Marmara and its
effects in-situ, and determine its distribution within water column (ODTÜ-
DBE, ÇŞİB, 2021: 103).
94 Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate