Page 108 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 108
The Study of Deoxygenation and Mucilage Formation in The Marmara Sea
Using Novel Oceanographic Approaches in The Frame of Marmod Project
MARMOD Phase I Project model results have shown that even if all loads
from the Black Sea are eliminated, the lower waters of the Marmara Sea cannot
exceed the hypoxia threshold in 6 years. However, when the loads delivered to
the lower waters of the strait along with the loads coming from the Black Sea
were eliminated, an improvement close to the desired level was observed.
Assuming that the loads from the Black Sea are not interfered, the primary
measure to be applied is the reduction of terrestrial nutrient loads in order to
bring the amount of oxygen in the Marmara Sea to the desired levels. It seems
that the major impact on the Marmara was relatively caused by terrestrial
nutrients, which is followed by the loads from Black Sea and discharges into
the lower waters of the strait. The results of the model revealed that measures
to be taken for the discharges fed to lower waters of the strait will have a
significant impact on the rehabilitation of the Marmara Sea ecosystem (ÇŞB,
ODTÜ-DBE, 2017: 136).
The measures to be taken urgently for sustainable management of
ecology of the Marmara Sea are proposed as adoption of the widespread
implementation streamside buffer zone primarily in Susurluk Basin, making
investments allowing the rapid and most efficient treatment of urban
waste discharges starting from İstanbul, selection of discharge points with
minimum damage on the sensitive Marmara ecosystem, and planning and
implementation studies that enable the reduction of nutrient loads in the
long term (such as agriculture and fertilizer use management, management of
nutrients delivered by groundwater / precipitation from the urban areas) (ÇŞB,
ODTÜ-DBE, 2017: 136).
Nutrient load reduction plans were prepared specifically for the Marmara
Sea on the basis of environmental management and ecological approach that
may increase oxygen levels above the critical threshold. It has been, for the
first time, shed light on many unknown aspects related to the oxygen levels
in the Marmara Sea and the factors affecting these levels. (ÇŞB, ODTÜ-DBE,
2017: 136).
In order to further elaborate and develop the results and recommendations
obtained with the MARMOD PHASE I project, second phase of the MARMOD
PHASE II Project was initiated in 2021 and is still ongoing under the Ministry
of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change in cooperation with
METU-Institute of Marine Sciences. This phase of the project aims to develop
suggestions that are safer and elaborated for the lower zones regarding the
nutrient loads delivered to Marmara Sea and that may be based on while
preparing the regional management plans in the upcoming periods, with the
Year 2 / Issue 3 / January 2023 93