Page 122 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 122

Industrial Decarbonization:
                                The Role Of Material Efficiency Strategies

            materials, material efficiency, and circular economy are equivalently important
            for sustainability  (IPCC, 2022). Material efficiency also creates synergies to
            contribute to solution strategies such as circular economy, energy efficiency,
            and transition to technologies that will substitute fossil energy uses with green
            energy. The circular economy model, which aims to keep the use and values
            of materials and other resources in the economy as long as possible while
            minimizing the waste at the end of it (European Commission [EC], 2015: 2),
            has goals that overlap and consistent with the material efficiency strategies,
            such as decreasing the need for raw material in the industry, reclaiming junk
            back to the economy, and the reuse applications that reclaim the product
            back to the economy without the need for remanufacturing, and recycling.
            With  the  so-called  4R  strategies,  (reduce,  reuse,  recycle,  and  repair),  it  is
            possible to decarbonize industry by using materials efficiently in the economy,
            through green production and circularity actions (IPCC, 2022). As mentioned
            before, through the product design, manufacture, use, and end-life stages,
            when  material  efficiency  and  circular  economy  strategies  are  implemented
            holistically, the most efficient results will be achieved in the decarbonization
            of industry.
               In  order  to  decarbonize  the  industry  through  material  efficiency  and
            transition to a circular economy, there is a need for a great systematic and
            structural transformation. In this sense, both policymakers and NGOs have
            their share of responsibilities to change the production as well as consumption
            patterns through some certain policies and measures. From the public policy
            perspective, Financial and economic instruments should be developed and
            implemented so that enabling the economy to use materials and energy in the
            most efficient and circular way. While such policies are designed, sustainability
            should be taken into account from the production stage to the consumption
            stage.  Another  important  point  is  to  raise  public  awareness  about  these
            issues and long-term campaigns and trainings should be organized by public
            organizations, NGOs, and the media.

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