Page 119 - Çevre Şehir İklim İngilizce - Sayı 2
P. 119
Burcu Hiçyılmaz - Sedat Alataş - Etem Karakaya
Design stage strategies: Producing with D
fewer components, design for easy recovery
of materials, design for longer product life,
multifunctional design D
Material supply: material substitution, buying
ready-made parts
Ho et al, (2019) Malesia Electric and electronic products for minimum material contact point) decreasing P
Production stage strategies:
Sensitive jig and fixture applications (The need
the production steps involving material waste,
improvement in efficiency
Product distribution strategies: green
packaging, recyclable, reusable, packaging with D
long durability, bulk packaging for non-critical
Note: the letters, D, P, U, and E refer to Design, Production, Use and End-of-life Stages.
Some important insight can be drawn from Table 1, which presents and
summarizes various strategies for different products and the stages. First of
all, without focusing on a particular product, it is generally seen that most
of the effective strategies for material efficiency are at the design stage .
However, at this point, it is worth referring to the findings of the IRP (2020b)
report that the maximum mitigation can be achieved through the design
stage strategies, and evaluating the findings in this sense.As production and
consumption activities represent two basic elements of the economy, it is
considered that the design and use stages are the most effective stages in
achieving material efficiency potential during these activities.. In this sense, as
a strategy, it is important to note that both designers and consumers should
gain awareness of sustainability. Secondly, it can be said that the significance
of the stages also varies depending on the each product levels. Apart from
clothing & textile and food &drinks, it is seen that design stage comes first
in all products. While production stage comes as the second for steel and
cement, use stage and end of life strategies can be considered as the most
important ones especially for steel and cement Thirdly, it should be noted that
these studies are implemented for highly developed countries, and there is not
enough emphasis on developing countries. However, IPCC (2022), IRP (2020b)
and IEA (2019) reports suggest that the countries with the biggest potential
for material efficiency-based mitigation are developing countries like China
and India. Therefore, there is need for further studies focusing on not only
105 Journal of Environment, Urbanization and Climate