Page 8 - Faaliyet Bülteni İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 8
General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Relations / Bulletin
Mrs. Emine Erdoğan and United Nations (UN)
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres signed a
declaration of goodwill for the dissemination of the
“Zero Waste Project” in the world.
Mrs. Emine Erdoğan, who accompanied President Erdoğan The following statements were included in the declaration:
in New York, USA to attend the 77 General Assembly of the “In order to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and
UN, met with UN Secretary-General Guterres. The two names the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we recognize
signed the “Global Zero Waste Goodwill Declaration” as part of the strong link between sustainable waste management
the fight against the climate crisis at the UN Headquarters in and climate change, recognizing ways to prevent, reduce,
New York. In this context, it was stated that Mrs. Emine Erdoğan recycle, and reuse waste. We are committed to implementing
will carry out the global leadership of the work targeting zero sustainable waste management practices.
waste under the roof of the UN.
We pledge to promote the zero-waste approach worldwide
Stating that they are watching the zero waste studies led by and share best practices for its wider recognition and
Mrs. Emine Erdoğan with appreciation, Guterres said, “Societies implementation. We also promise to support initiatives,
have started to produce too much waste. Waste is a vital campaigns, programs, projects, and activities on zero waste
problem for today. The Zero Waste Project that you have done to promote responsible waste production and consumption.
in this sense is very valuable and impressive. I am very happy
to meet you in this context. You are at home, welcome”. Within While encouraging the development of similar policies on
the scope of the environmental project, which is one of the waste management, we are committed to sharing the lessons
most important issues that the UN is struggling with, Guterres learned and best practices from projects such as Türkiye’s
called on the UN countries to disseminate Türkiye’s Zero Waste Zero Waste Project. We call on UN member states, UN system
Project on a global scale. organizations and members of civil society, the private sector,
the media and local governments to align their strategies,
Mrs. Emine Erdoğan, on the other hand, addressed Guterres approaches and responses to help accelerate the global
and said: “The text we will sign with you today reveals our transition to a circular economy and reduce the negative
common intention in this sense. I hope that the number of impact of waste on climate change”.
signatures under this declaration, which we will sign the first
two, will increase. In this direction, I wish that zero waste will
be spread globally”. Mrs. Emine Erdoğan, who conveyed the
steps taken by Türkiye within the framework of the Zero Waste
Project since 2017, emphasized that the project is supported by
all segments in Türkiye and that it has created awareness on
an international scale.