Page 25 - Faaliyet Bülteni İngilizce - Sayı 3
P. 25
Emission Reduction Target Doubled Up
Underlining that a new era has started in Türkiye’s fight
against climate change within the framework of the 2053
net zero emission and green development targets set by
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Murat Kurum said, “We are
implementing our adaptation actions with stronger policies
in the fight against climate change. In this context, we shared Green Transformation in Every Field
the National Contribution Statement we prepared with our
counterparts and the world public at the Senior Ministers Stating that Türkiye will experience an important
Summit. In this context, as Türkiye, we are increasing our transformation process in every climate-related
emission increase reduction target, which we announced field from energy to industry, from transportation
as 21% for 2030, to 41%. Thus, as a country, approximately to buildings, from the waste sector to pharyngeal
500 million tons of emission reduction will be made for 2030. areas, Minister Kurum said, “We will make important
We will reach the highest level of our emissions in 2038 at breakthroughs and investments in areas such as
the latest and we will continue to progress with our strong energy efficiency, clean transportation, protection
policies to our net zero target. The National Contribution of pharyngeal areas and transformation of
Statement, which we have prepared in consultation with all industry. Our National Contribution Statement
our institutions and the private sector with a participatory and also includes the policies we foresee within the
transparent understanding, will be an important reference in scope of compliance. As a country located in the
the fight against climate change. Throughout the economy, Mediterranean Basin, adaptation to climate change
we have updated our document, which includes 7 emission is an issue that we need to take more effective
reduction sectors and compliance components, to achieve measures after the disasters we experience”.
our country’s green transformation with more ambitious
targets than the previous one. Within the framework of the
National Contribution Declaration, we will announce the long-
term development strategy of our country next year, which
will include the 12 Development Plan and the 2053 vision”.
Green Transformation Will Accelerate with Climate Law
Minister Kurum stated that they expect the Climate Law to be passed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly in the
coming period in order to realize Türkiye’s green transformation and to implement its adaptation policies effectively
and decisively, and continued his words as follows:
“Türkiye is one of the strong and leading countries in implementing environmental and climate policies. Türkiye is
one of the important actors in the fight against global climate change. In line with our knowledge and experience,
as Türkiye, we wish to host the 31 Conference of the Parties to be held in 2026. We have started all the necessary
initiatives in this regard. We will continue to work with great determination as one of the countries that pollute the
world the least and contribute the most to the green, blue and health of the world. ”