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 signed to reduce to the minimum risks of and   Article 9  Article 10  Article 11
 damage due to pollution resulting from the ac-
 4. The Parties shall notify the Organization as   1.  The  Contracting  Party  shall  prohibit  the
 soon as possible  of authorizations granted or   1.  The  use  and  storage  of  chemicals  for  the   1. The Parties shall formulate and adopt com-  discharge of sewage from installations perma-
 renewed. The Organization shall keep a register   activities shall be approved by the competent   mon standards for the disposal of oil and oily   nently manned by 10 or more persons into the
 of all the authorized installations in the Proto-  authority,  on  the  basis  of  the  Chemical  Use   mixtures  from  installations  into  the  Protocol   Protocol Area except in cases where:
 col Area.  Plan.  Area:                     (a) The installation is discharging swage after
 2. The Contracting Party may regulate, limit or   (a) Such common standards shall be formulated   treatment as approved by the competent aut-
 Article 7  prohibit the use of chemicals for the activities   in accordance with the provisions of Annex V,   hority  at  a  distance  of  at  least  four  nautical
 SANCTIONS  in accordance with guidelines to be adopted by   A;  miles  from  the  nearest  land  or  fixed  fisheries
 the Contracting Parties.                    installation,  leaving  the  Contracting  Party  to
 Each Party shall prescribe sanctions to be impo-  (b)  Such  common  standards  shall  not  be  less   decide on a case by case basis; or
 sed for breach of obligations arising out of this   3. For the purpose of protecting the environ-  restrictive than the following, in particular:
 Protocol, or for non-observance of the national   ment, the Parties shall ensure that each subs-  (i) For machinery space drainage, a maximum   (b) The swage is not treated, but the discharge
 laws or regulations implementing this Protocol,   tance and material used for activities is accom-  oil content of 15 mg per litre whilst undiluted;  is carried out in accordance with international
 or for non-fulfilment of the specific conditions   panied by a compound description provided by   rules and standards; or
 attached to the authorization.  the entity producing such substance or mate-  (ü) For production water, a maximum oil con-  (c) The swage has passed through an approved
 rial.  tent of 40 mg per litre as an average in any ca-  sewage treatment plant certified by the com-
 SECTION 3  4. The disposal into the Protocol Area of harm-  lendar month; the content shall not at any time   petent authority.
       exceed 100 mg per litre;
 WASTES AND HARMFUL OR NOXIOUS SUBS-  ful or noxious substances and materials resul-  (c) The Parties shall determine by common ag-  2. The Contracting Party shall impose stricter
 TANCES AND MATERIALS  ting from the activities covered by this Protocol   provisions, as appropriate, where deemed ne-
 and listed in Annex I to this Protocol is prohi-  reement which method will be used to  cessary, inter alla because of the regime of the
 Article 8  bited.  analyze the oil content.  currents in the  area or proximity to any area
 5. The disposal into the Protocol Area of harm-  referred to İn Article 21.
 GENERAL OBLIGATION  2. The Parties shall formulate and adopt com-
 ful or noxious substances and materials resul-  mon standards for the use and disposal of dril-  3. The  exceptions  referred  to  in  paragraph  1
 Without prejudice to other standards or obliga-  ting from the activities covered by this Protocol   ling  fluids  and  drill  cuttings  into  the  Protocol   shall not apply if the discharge produces visible
 tions referred to in this Section, the Parties shall  and listed in Annex II to this Protocol requires,   Area. Such common standards shall be formu-  floating solids or produces colouration, disco-
 impose a general obligation upon operators to  in  each  case,  a  prior  special  permit  from  the   lated in accordance with the provisions of An-  louration or opacity of the surrounding water.
 use the best available, environmentally effec-  competent authority.  nex V, B.
 tive and economically appropriate techniques   6.  The  disposal  into  the  Protocol  Area  of  all   4. If the swage is mixed with Wastes and harm-
 and to observe internationally accepted stan-  other harmful or noxious substances and ma-  3. Each Party shall take appropriate measures   ful or noxious substances and materials having
 dards regarding Wastes, as well as the use, sto-  terials resulting from the activities covered by   to enforce the common standards adopted pur-  different disposal requirements, the more strin-
 rage and discharge of harmful or noxious subs-  this Protocol and which might cause pollution   suant to this Article or to enforce more restricti-  gent requirements shall apply.
 tances and materials, with a view to minimizing   requires a prior general permit from the com-  ve standards that it may have adopted.
 the risk of pollution.  petent authority.

 7. The permits referred to in paragraphs 5 and
 6 above shall be issued only after careful consi-
 deration of all the factors set forth in Annex III
 to this Protocol.

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