Page 125 - BarselonaSozlesmesi
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 ration on bilateral and multilateral bases in the   munities, habitats or ecosystems.  sustainable development;  sures must be based on an adequate knowled-
 field of conservation and management of natu-  d) Naturalness  e) the existence of an integrated coastal ma-  ge of the elements of the natural environment
 ral sites and notably through the establishment   nagement plan within the meaning of Article 4   and of socio-economic and cultural factors that
 of transboundary SPAMIs.  The area has a high degree of naturalness as a   paragraph 3 (e) of the Convention.  characterize each area in case of shortcomings
 result of the lack or low level of human-induced   in basic knowledge, an area proposed for inclu-
 e) The sites included in the SPAMI List are in-  disturbance and degradation.  C. LEGAL STATUS  sion in the SPAMI List must have a programme
 tended to have a value of example and model   for the collection of the unavailable data and
 for the protection of the natural! heritage of the   e) Presence of habitats that are critical to en-  1. Ali areas eligible for inclusion in the SPAMI   information.
 region. To this end, the Parties ensure that sites   dangered, threatened or endemic species.  List must be awarded a legal status guarantee-
 included in the List are provided with adequate   f) Cultural representativeness  ing their effective long-term protection.  4. The competence and responsibility with re-
 legal status, protection measures and manage-  2. To be included in the SPAMI List, an area si-  gard to administration and implementation of
 ment methods and means.  The area has a high representative value with   tuated in a zone already delimited over which a   conservation measures for areas proposed for
 respect  to  the  cultural  heritage,  due  to  the   inclusion in the SPAMI List must be clearly defi-
 B. GENERAL FEATURES OF THE AREAS THAT   existence of environmentally sound traditional   Party exercises sovereignty or jurisdiction must   ned in the texts governing each area.
 COULD BE INCLUDED IN THE SPAMI LIST  activities integrated with nature which support   have a protected status recognized by the Party

 1. To be eligible for inclusion in the SPAMI List,   the well-being of local populations.  concerned.  5. İn the respect of the specificity characteri-
                                           zing  each  protected  site,  the  protection  me-
 an area must fulfil at least one of the general   3. To be included in the SPAMI List, an area ha-  3. In the case of areas situated, partly or wholly,   asures for a SPAMI must take account of the
 criteria set in Article Ş paragraph 2 of the Pro-  ving scientific, educational or aesthetic interest   on the high sea or in a zone where the limits   following basic aspects:
 tocol.  Several  of  these  general  criteria  can  in   must,  respectively,  present  a  particular  value   of national sovereignty or jurisdiction have not
 certain cases be fulfilled by the same area, and   for research in the field of natural sciences or   yet been defined, the legal status, the mana- a)  the  strengthening  of  the  regulation  of  the
 such a circumstance cannot but strengthen the   for  activities  of  environmental  education  or   gement plan, the applicable measures and the  release or dumping of wastes and other subs-
 case for the inclusion of the area in the List.  awareness or contain outstanding natural fea-  other elements provided for in Article 9, parag- tances likely directly or indirectly to impair the

 2. The regional value is a basic requirement of   tures, landscapes or seascapes.  raph 3, of the Protocol will be provided by the  integrity of the area;
       neighbouring Parties concerned in the proposal
 an area for being included in the SPAMI List.   4. Besides the fundamental criteria specified in   for inclusion in the SPAMI list.  b)  the  strengthening  of  the  regulation  of  the
 The following criteria should be used in evalua-  article 8, paragraph 2, of the Protocol, a certa-  introduction  or  reintroduction  of  any  species
 ting the Mediterranean interest of an area:  D. PROTECTION, PLANNING AND MANAGE- into the area;
 in number of other characteristics and factors
 a) Uniqueness  should be considered as favourable for the inc-  MENT MEASURES  c) the regulation of any activity or act likely to
 lusion of the site in the List. These include:  1.  Conservation  and  management  objectives  harm or disturb the species, or that might en-
 The area contains unique or rare ecosystems, or   must be clearly defined in the texts relating to  danger the conservation status of the ecosys-
 rare or endemic species.  a) the existence of threats likely to impair the   each site, and will constitute the basis for as- tems  or  species  or  might  impair  the  natural,
 ecological, biological, aesthetic or cultural va-
 b) Natural representativeness  sessment of the adequacy of the adopted mea- cultural or aesthetic characteristics of the area.
 lue of the area;
 The  area  has  highly  representative  ecological   b) the involvement and active participation of   sures and the effectiveness of their implemen-  d) the regulation applicable to the zones sur-
       tation at the revisions of the SPAMI List.
 processes, or community or habitat types or ot-  the public in general, and particularly of local   rounding the area in question.
 her natural characteristics. Representativeness   communities,  in  the  process  of  planning  and   2. Protection, planning and management mea-  6. To be included in the SPAMI list, a protected
 is the degree to which an area represents a ha-  management of the area;  sures applicable to each area must be adequa-  area must have a management body, endowed
 bitat type, ecological process, biological com-  te for the achievement of the conservation and   with  sufficient  powers  as  weil  as  means  and
 munity, physiographic feature or other natural   c) the existence of a body representing the pub-  management objectives set for the site in the   human resources to prevent and/or control ac-
 characteristic.  lic, professional, non-governmental sectors and   short and long term, and take in particular into
 the scientific community involved in the area;  account the threats upon it.  tivities likely to be contrary to the aims of the
 c) Diversity                              protected area.
 d) the existence in the area of opportunities for   3. Protection, planning and management mea-
 The area has a high diversity of species, com-

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